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McMaster Inventions
This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Daily Planet Segments (2002-2010)
- Grade Level: Senior High (10-12)-Adult
- Subjects: Design and Technology, Science and Nature
- Produced By: Exploration Production Inc.
- Year: 2010
- Country: Canada
- Language: English
- Running Time: 4m 33s
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Cold Water Survival: Snowmobiling Day
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Strategies for survival if you fall through the ice.
Cold Water Survival: Snowmobiling Night
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
How to survive a night in the forest after losing your snowmobile through the ice.
Cold Water Survival: Keeping Calm
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The importance of proper outerwear to keep you afloat and alive when snowmobiling.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
GEEP Global Electronic Recycling is one of the biggest and most hi-tech recyclers of the thousands of tons of modern electronic components that are…
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Check out this blimp that can maneuver like a helicopter.
Hillbilly Rocketry
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The Large and Dangerous Rocket Ship Festival draws groups of amateur rocket builders to the desert near Las Vegas where they can launch their…
MAV - Micro Air Vehicle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
This tiny unmanned surveillance vehicle could save the lives of combat soldiers.
Gliding Competition
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The Canadian National Soaring Championships is an annual event where competitors race planes without engines.
Alberta Rattler
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Students at the University of Calgary are trying to save Alberta's endangered rattlesnakes from becoming roadkill.
The Northern Saw-whet Owl
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Researchers in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, are trying to solve the mysteries of Canada's smallest owl.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Now this is a dirty job! Wildlife biologists have developed a new way to prevent migrating birds from landing in the toxic tailing ponds at the…
Cod Transmitter
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Researchers tag Atlantic Cod with transmitters to observe where the cod are migrating and how heavily they are being fished.
Shark Bycatch
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Researchers are thesting a theory that using rare earth metals will help prevent sharks from being caught unintentionally by commercial fishermen.
The Perfectly-Schooled Horse
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Midas is a horse simulator that gives the riding student the perfect horse to learn to ride on.
Behind The Scenes: Hollywood Makeup Secrets
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Go behind the scenes at Complexions International where aspiring Hollywood makeup artists learn to build prosthetics and other visual effects makeup…
Sandia National Laboratory
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Researchers are using the latest technology to simulate asteroid impacts to shed new light on what really happened during the Tunguska event of 1908.
Parachute Simulation Room
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Daily Planet shows us what it takes to become a Canadian Forces Paratrooper.
Blimp Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Stevie "B" Barkley builds remotely controlled airships that contain remote cameras that can be used in many situations.
F-22 Raptor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The $141,000,000 stealth fighter is the most advanced fighter ever built.
Maple Flag
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Daily Planet takes us Cold Lake, Alberta, where the annual international air combat exercise that trains the world's best fighter pilots takes place.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
How do you get your radio-controlled gilder into the air?
NuVinci Transmission
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Al Nordin, of Fallbrook Technologies, demonstrates his company's continuosly variable bicycle transmission.
Seal Pup Rescue
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Laurance Larmour, the curator of the Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, spends much of his time rescuing and caring for abandoned seal pups.
Hot Yoga
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Solar car drivers must undergo a rigorous training program, including yoga in a heated room.
The Power of One
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Marcello da Luz wants to set a world driving record in his solar car.
Creative Home Engineering
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Steve Humble's company specializes in designing and building hidden rooms and passageways in homes and offices.
K'NEX Bridge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Budding engineer Andrew McClellan attempts to build a bridge capable of holding his weight over his pool using a child's construction toy.
Cactus Homes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Biologists in California are building some unique structures to provide habitats for the endangered cactus wren.
Fact of the Matter: Money Laundering
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist John Swain demonstrates how to clean oxidized coins with some common household products.
Centre for Marine Simulation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Engineers used Newfoundland's Centre for Marine Simulation to better understand the challenges in designing the Chicago Spire to withstand the wind.
Disneyland's Home of the Future
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Tech giants like Microsoft and HP have teamed up with Disney's engineers to illustrate how technology may integrate even further into our lives in…
ThinkGeek: Goggles, Shirts & Ties
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Ty Liotta of ThinkGeek Labs demonstrates some new gadgets, including iPod goggles, caffeinated soap, and a binary watch.
American Steel Studios
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
These California artists turn scrap metal into some the largest and most captivating metal sculptures ever seen and transporting them presents some…
ThinkGeek: Wands, Robots, and Flying Machines
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Ty Liotta of ThinkGeek Labs demonstrates some new gadgets, including lightsabres, a fleet of tiny radio-controlled flying machines, the world's…
SkyShed POD
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Wayne Parker, bassist for the band Glass Tiger and amateur astronomer, helped design an inexpensive and easy-to-assemble backyard observatory.
Chris Conte
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Manhattan artist Chris Conte uses prosthetics and other medical implements to create his biomechanical sculptures.
Project Blinkenlights
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Computer programmers turn Toronto's City Hall into a giant video display.
The Telectroscope
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Artist Paul St. George says his great-grandfather's invention allows citizens to see each other through tunnels between New York and London.
Bamboo Bike
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Calfee Design builds bicycle frames entirely out of bamboo.
Pressurized Rescue Module System
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Oceanworks International has designed the most advanced submarine rescue vehicle on Earth.
Aircraft Ditching Survival Systems
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
A hi-tech pool is used to train military pilots and search and rescue techs what to do when a helicopter crashes into frigid open water.
Road Trains
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
When you need to move a lot of cargo across Australia's Outback, you need one of these massive trucks.
Desert Vineyards
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
It's not easy to plant and maintain vineyards in the deserts of Israel.
Election Body Language
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Non-verbal communication experts discuss the importance of proper body language for politicians.
Jay's Journal: Dream On
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into whether or not we dream in colour and why.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Neurofocus is researching the brain to determine what makes us buy the things we do.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Martin Lindstrom has written a book on what neuroscience can tell marketers how buying and selling works.
Fact of the Matter: Hair Color
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Physicist John Swain demonstrates how Jay could slowly darken his hair without buying a cosmetic hair coloring.
Jay's Journal: Vote For Me
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into how politician's faces factor into why we vote the way we do.
Jay's Journal: Remembering H.M.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses the impact Henry Moleson had on the science of memory.
Scottie the T-Rex
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Scottie is the star attraction at the T.rex Discovery Centre in Saskatchewan and is used by paleontologists to study how the T-Rex devoured its prey.
The Book of the Dead
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Experts at the Royal Ontario Musuem bring an ancient script to life.
Jay's Journal: Cold Comfort
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into how our perception of the temperature is affected by how we feel.
Fact of the Matter: Paper Cut
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Physicist John Swain demonstrates how paper cuts happen and why they hurt so much.
Harry the Bowling Robot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The United States Bowling Congress has a hi-tech robot that they use to evaluate balls, pins, and almost anything else related to bowling.
AUTOM The Diet Robot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Dr. Cory Kidd thinks his invention is going to make a huge difference to dieters who want to lose weight and keep it off.
Wall Climbing Robot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
SRI International has built a robot that can climb almsot any wall using electrostatic bonding.
Built in Your Backyard: Slidewinder
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Robert Edmonson is building a device that allows you to simulate the experience of iceskating the comfort of your own home.
R.A.D. Technology Snowmobile
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Shawn Watling has invented a rear axle drive snowmobile that more efficiently delivers its power to the snow and stops in a shorter distance than a…
Hi-Tech Goggles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Robert Hockaday is developing a better ski goggle that has improved airflow and reduces condensation.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is located in Vale Inco's Creighton Mine and is used to study the fundamental particles that make up the universe.
Jay's Journal: Shopping
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into the science of shopping mall and grocery store layouts.
Mastermind Toys
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Some great gift ideas from Mastermind Toys, including an amphibious RC car and a biometric bank.
Efston Science
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Geeky gift ideas from Efston Science, including an alternative energy toy car, a remotely controlled robotic arm, and a microscope with a digital…
Big Truck Simulator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Before you can drive these gigantic multi-million-dollar trucks, you need to log some hours in the simulator.
Big Tire Repair
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
It's a big job to repair a $70,000 heavy hauler tire.
Hurricane 2008
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Was the high number of hurricanes in 2008 a sign of a worsening trend?
Selsam Wind
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Doug Selsam has invented small wind turbines that he believes are more cost-efficient and energy-efficient than the huge corporate wind turbines.
Crash Lab
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Bill Waldock trains aviation crash scene investigators.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
'Catoms' are small spherical computers that scientists hope to make small enough to build objects that can change size and shape.
Underwater Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Alon Bodner has developed a way to extract breathable air from ordinary water
Contessa 26
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Can you imagine living in less than 90 square feet as you sail around the world?
Behind The Scenes: FESTI
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Behind The Scenes: Fire & Emergency Services Training Institute
Pyroman and Sweating Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
These mannequins are used to develop and test protective clothing used by firefighters.
Pavlov Fish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Scott Lindell believes that fish can be farmed without confining the fish in cages by using Pavlovian conditioning.
Duck-Billed Dino Dig
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Paleontologists are hoping that their latest fossil find in the Alberta badlands will turn out to be a duck-billed dinosaur.
Sydney Tar Ponds
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
After decades of controversy, one of the worst toxic waste dumps in Canada is finally being cleaned up.
Flume Tank
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Researchers at Newfoundland's Fisheries and Marine Institute use a huge flume tank to test various designs of shrimping nets.
Mega Bag
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
In their quest for bigger air, skiers and snowboarders at Whistler Mountain use a giant inflatable bag as the landing pad for their extreme practice…
Fact of the Matter: Water Bridge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Physicist John Swain demonstrates the wierd phenomenon that allows water to form a fairly stong bridge.
Helideck Inspection
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
With 200 to 300 flights per day, Scotland's oil rigs need to ensure that their helicopter landing pads are safe and secure.
Behind the Scenes: Pole Vault
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Ed Robertson goes to the University of Toronto to learn how to pole vault.
Gill Nets
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
An elite military dive team that specializes in recovery scours Peugot Sound to clear out gill nets.
Chair Lift Evacuation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Whistler Ski Patrol is considered the best of the best in part due to their rigorous training.
Origami Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Robert Lang - a physicist and engineer - uses math to modernize the ancient art of Origami and creates amazing sculptures from single sheets of paper.
Mining an Asteriod
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Planetary Scientist John Lewis believes asteroid mining could have huge payoffs.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The phenomenon that caused the catastrophe at the Tacoma Narrows Bridge could hold the key to clean renewable energy.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Inventor Nap Pepin shows off his Lithium Powered Electric Vehicle - BugE
Club 4 Climate
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Here's a nightclub that gives a whole new literal and global meaning to 'Staying Alive."
University Engineering Projects
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Planes, chairs and movable shoe shine stations from Western Michigan University.
Mural Restoration
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
A dedicated group has undertaken the painstaking process of restoring Toronto's Flatiron mural.
Dream Car 123
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Dream Car 123 is a pyramid-shaped electric car that is built with bullet-proof glass and other safety innovations.
UV Tattoos
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The latest craze in body modification is a tattoo that is visible only under ultraviolet light.
Heartbeat Dancing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
New technology allows dancers to literally dance to their own beat.
Destroying Toxic Weapons
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Queens University researchers have stumbled onto a method for quickly and safley neutralizing toxic chemicals.
DLOS Laser Avenger
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Boeing DLOS (Dual Line of Sight) Avenger can track the enemy from virtually anywhere and destroy them with a high-powered laser.
Wearable Power
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The US Marine Corps is testing lighter weight mobile power packs.
USS Trayer
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The US Navy's disaster simulator trains new recruits on how to deal with an attack at sea.
Super Pit
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
It takes a lot of brute force and technical expertise to get the gold out one of the richest patches of earth in the world.
Jay's Journal: Money Finger
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into how finger length factors into performance in high-pressure situations.
Man vs. Machine
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The second Man vs. Machine Poker Championship helps determine how far along artificial intelligence is developing.
Bridge Shaker
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Researchers use shake tables to test innovations in earthquake-proof bridge designs.
Tank Pack
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
How do you repair a tank in the middle of a battlefield?
Game Calls
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Ed Sceery specializes in creating wild game calls, especially coyote calls.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Joseph Cory has invented a contraption that wil allow people to collect water from the air in remote areas and at disaster sights.
Concentrated Solar Power
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Zenith Solar concentrated solar panel is five times more efficient than standard solar power technology.
The Starfire Telescope
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Keeping an eye on satellites with the Starfire Telescope.
Atlantis Aquarium
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Exploring the gigantic aquatic habitat in Dubai's Palm mega-hotel.
Insect Wings
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Why can some insects skip across the water while others become trapped when they touch the water's surface?
Tire Digester
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Global Resources has developed a process that extracts oil from used tires.
Nissan Aging Suit
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Nissan Motor Company has created a suit that allows their engineers and designers to see what it's like for the elderly to drive their cars.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Inventor Robert Hockaday shows us his biomimicry theories that he hopes will allow us to use trash to regulate the temperature in our homes.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Inventor James Parker shows us his unique take on high-speed motorcycle suspension.
Dubai Imports
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Dubai has traded its way into becoming an international economic powerhouse in spite of the geography, climate, and lack of natural resources.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Crab Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology uses animals, models, and robots to study the physics of granular flow.
Weird Animals
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Bry Loyst of the Indian River Reptile Zoo visits the Daily Planet studio with an alligator, a gila monster and a rattlesnake.
Jay's Journal: In Tune With Dog
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses a startling new experiment that shows just how deep and powerful the bond between humans and dogs is.
Barracuda Bite Force
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Researchers are trying to determine how a barracuda is able to bite with such tremendous force.
Speed Climbers
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Speed Climbers tackle the world's most famous cliff face in Yosemite National Park.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Two Cambridge professors are studying the amazingly fast and powerful jump of the amazing insect.
Weird Animals 2
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
More unusual animals from the Indian River Reptile Zoo
Monterey Jellyfish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Studying jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Jay's Journal: Now You See It
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses an experiment involving change blindness and the evolution of the human brain.
Dubai Riot Police
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Witness a training exercise conducted by the Dubai's elite Department of Organizations Protective Security and Emergency.
C.A.V.E. Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment allows researchers to move through and manipulate a virtual three-dimensional model of the human body.
Launch Abort Motor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
ATK's engineers fire a launch abort motor for NASA's next-generation space transport vehicles.
Shark Tagging
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Marine biologist Carl Myer shows us that it's not easy to catch and tag a Galapagos shark.
Trash City
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
An eclectic group of scrap metal artists put on a show at the Glastonbury Music Festival.
Meteorite Research
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Alan Hildebrand uses a piece of the Buzzard Coulee meteoroid to help unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Evolutionary Tech
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Using new technology to study animals and search for new animal life.
Marine Simulator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Marine Simulator at Georgian College in Ontario gives aspiring crew members a chance to try their hand at piloting ships in extreme conditions.
EVLA Satellite Dish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The very large array satellite dish in New Mexico is getting an extreme makeover.
Gondola BASE Jump
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
It took weeks of planning - and a ton of courage - to pull off this BASE jump from Whistler Blackcomb's new gondola.
Evolution Artist
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Viktor Deak is a reconstruction artist who wants to show people how things changed as we evolved.
The Language of the Face
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Dr. Paul Ekman is a psychologist who has spent his life documenting every facial expression and is trying to prove whether our expressions are a…
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The V-Link is a system that measures how skis move across the snow in all directions and is being used by the US ski team to help them gain an edge…
Bio Bus
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Bio Bus is a Lab on wheels that tours the continent collecting specimens of every living thing in its path in a effort to identify all life on…
Human-Powered Sub
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
William Megill and his engineering students are building a pedal-powered submarine in an attempt build a more efficient propulsion system.
Stray Voltage
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Toronto Hydro is using a mobile stray voltage detection system to detect deadly locations throughout the city.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Pubcrawler is a mobile bar that's powered by its customers.
IMAX Under The Sea
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
It takes a lot of patience and some high-tech equipment to get up close and personal with some amazing underwater creatures.
PGX Decontamination
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Testing a new method for decontaminating a building after a biological weapons attack.
Changing Sun
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Wayne Davidson - a metorological observer in Canada's high Arctic - believes that atmospheric refraction is making the Arctic warmer and warmer.
Mount Kilauea
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The destructive lava flow of Mount Kilauea is keeping scientists and researchers in Hawaii very busy.
Students on Ice (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Student researchers set sail on a rocky ride through the Drake Passage on their way into Antarctica.
Ship Launch
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The 24,000-ton US naval ship SS Robert E. Peary gets launched the exciting old-fashioned way.
Canada's Top Pilots
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Ziya talks to retired Bigadier General Paul Hayes about some of Canada's aviation pioneers like Billy Bishop, Punch Dickins, and Marion Orr.
The Silver Dart
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Douglas McCurdy's grandson and others are building a replica of one of the world's first airplanes.
Students on Ice (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Student researchers make their first landing as they continue their exploration of the Antarctic.
Compressed Air Foam
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Eddie Paul wants to replace huge, slow fire trucks with small, fast and maneuverable vehicles that will carry a small and efficient fire retardant…
Ice Drop
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Bob Gagnon is an ice researcher who who built a system that allows him to study the forces involved when ice meets the hulls of ships.
Trauma Training
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
McGill University's Trauma Training Centre uses high-tech equipment and an intensive course to train Canadian Forces medics to treat battlefield…
Bay Bridge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Examining the earthquake resistant construction of the new Bay Bridge in San Fransico.
Students on Ice (Part 3)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Dr Roy "Fritz" Kroener discusses climate change and its impact in the Antarctic.
Jay's Journal: Fingerprints
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
Jay discusses research into why we have fingerprints.
Iceberg Monitoring
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2002
The Ice Squad of Newfoundland monitor the icebergs of the Grand Banks
HiRISE Martian Camera
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The HiRISE camera was the largest telescopic camera to ever reach another planet.
Hurricane-Proof Homes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Stuart McDonald is on a mission to build stonger, safer, more energy-efficient, hurricane-resistant homes.
Fact of the Matter: Electric Air Filters
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist John Swain demonstrates how electric air filters clean the air.
3D Scan of the Mona Lisa
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
A Canadian team uses the ultimate photographic technology to obtain a superhigh-resolution 3D image of the Mona Lisa.
Fact of the Matter: Buoyancy
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist John Swain explores the exotic mysteries of buoyancy and density.
Fact of the Matter: Liquid Nitrogen
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist John Swain uses a spectacular experiment to demonstrate the transition of liquid to gas.
Fact of the Matter: The Brazil Nut Effect
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist John Swain explains why the big Brazil nuts are always at the top of a can of mixed nuts.
Amsterdam Subway Expansion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Extending the Amsterdam subway is one of the most challenging construction projects in the world.
Human-Powered Vehicles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
More than two dozen teams of college students arrive in Florida for the East Coast Human-Powered Vehicle Challenge.
Fact of the Matter: Martinis
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Donna Francis aids Jay in his quest to discover if a shaken martini really is better than a stirred one.
CAVE Air Ambulance Simulator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
When an air ambulance service needed new helicopters, they used the CAVE virtual reality theatre to virtually design the a new helicopter.
SWAN - System for Wearable Audio Navigation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Can technology help a blind man learn to ride a bicycle or go skiing?
Bombardier CL-215
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Buffalo Airways fights fires all over the world with their amazing water bomber.
Alberta Diamonds
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
It takes a lot of searching and research to find sources of diamonds.
Tabula Rasa
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
This sci-fi videogame is a MMORPG (massivley multiplayer online role-playing game) that's trying to differentiate itself from the fantasy MMORPGs by…
Cold Bent Glass
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Artist and inventor Rick Silas has patented a method to shatter and bend old glass while keeping it one piece to create unique sculptures.
The Quest for a Record
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Terry Nish attempts to fulfill his lifelong dream of setting a new land speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Overcoming Spatial Disorientation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
A flight suit full of sensors is making it safer for pilots to fly in low visibility.
GFS - Geoff's Flying Saucer
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Retired hovercraft builder Geoff Hatton tests his latest invention - a true flying saucer.
The Bonneville Salt Flats
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
This 30,000 acre prehistoric lake bed in Utah has become the mecca of speed.
Fact of the Matter: Wine Corks
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Physicist Marcello Pavan explains how physics make wine better.
Car of Tomorrow
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Hendrick Motorsports uses a wind tunnel to tweak the aerodynamics of their next-generation NASCAR racecar.
Driver Distraction and Stress
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
A car loaded with high-tech gear is being used to study driver stress and distractions
Building on the Ocean
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
A look at the challenges that the construction crews faced when Vancouver's Canada Place had to be expanded out over the ocean in preparation for the…
Riot Gear
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The mock prison riot is an annual event that tests the tools and techniques that help correctional officers quell prison riots.
Rocket Belt
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Meet the only person to ever build and fly his own rocket belt.
Recycling Winter Road Sand
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The City of Edmonton has developed a way to recycle all of that winter road sand that builds up on the streets during the long winter months.
Shadow Robot Hand
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Inventors have developed a robotic hand that is the closest we have come to our own delicate touch.
Super Pressure Balloons
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
A new smart weather balloon could help us take a giant leap forward in accurate weather forecasting.
Planet Q: Deep Sea Fish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
How do fish that live in the deep ocean survive the crushing pressure?
Planet Q: Saltwater Rain
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Is it possible for rain to contain salt from the ocean?
Planet Q: Cloud Color
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
What factors affect the colors of the clouds in the sky?
Planet Q: Meat
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
What's the difference between white meat and dark meat?
Planet Q: Sneezing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why can't we keep our eyes open when we sneeze?
Planet Q: Fish Tails
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why do some aquatic vertebrates have vertical tails shile others have horizontal tails?
Planet Q: Sleeping Birds
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why don't sleeping birds fall from their perch?
Planet Q: Spiders and Their Webs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why don't spiders get stuck in their own webs?
Planet Q: Clear and Cloudy Liquids
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why does adding water make Ouzo cloudy?
Planet Q: Bird Flight
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why do some birds fly in formation and others in swarms?
Armadillo Aerospace (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Armadillo Aerospace is a homegrown private space program that is attempting to win the X Prize by building a lunar lander module.
Built in Your Backyard: High-Voltage Capacitor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
An Australian doctor spends his spare time playing with high voltage.
Endeavor Heat Tile Damage
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A Canadian-built laser camera helped NASA determine the severity of the damage to Endeavor's heat tiles while the shuttle was still in space.
Armadillo Aerospace (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Armadillo Aerospace makes their practice runs before attempting to win the $2 million X Prize.
Preparing for a Spacewalk
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Even with lots of practice, no amount of training can completely prepare an astronaut for their first spacewalk.
Chinook CF-47
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This dual-rotor helicopter is a truly unique machine.
Measuring Rocket Booster Vibrations
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Testing the world's largest solid fuel rocket booster is a noisy proposition.
Extending Lunar Walks
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
NASA is trying to figure out how to extend the amount of time astronauts can spend walking the surface of the moon or Mars.
NASA's Launch Abort Vehicle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
NASA is designing an all-new abort vehicle to rescue the crew if the worst should happen.
Alberta's Dinosaurs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Paleontologists are convinced that there are more new species of dinosaurs in the badlands Alberta's Dinosaur Provincial Park just waiting to be…
Frogger ASIMO
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Researchers are helping the world's most advanced humanoid walking robot become autonomous.
Robot Mobility
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Making robots move can still be a heart-stopping experience.
Tagging Moose
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Temporarily separating a moose from her young isn't easy.
Anechoic Wind Tunnel
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This specialized wind tunnel is used to study acoustic dynamics.
eVadar Personal Aircraft
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Gary Gress would like to see his model aircraft turned into a full-scale VTOL vehicle for everyday use.
Canfield Brothers Bikes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Professional mountain biking brothers, Chris and Lance Canfield, decided to design and build their own extreme bicycles.
Volvo Crash Test Facility
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Volvo Safety Centre is an enormous high-tech facility where thousands of cars and trucks get smashed to smithereens to help engineers design…
Edmonton's Flood Tunnels
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The flood prone city of Edmonton is hoping that digging tunnels under the North Saskatchewan River will keep the city high and dry.
Our Fascination with Mars
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Why are we so fascinated with the Red Planet?
Margaret Atwood's Longpen
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Margaret Atwood unveils a device that allows her to remotely sign a book.
Saving Endangered Coral Reefs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Much of the world's coral is in critical condition and researchers are in a race to save it.
Next-Generation Lunar Backpacks
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
NASA engineers are trying to design a backpack that will make it easier for astronauts to walk on the surface of the moon.
Bison Reintroduction
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Scientists are reintroducing wild wood bison into the wilds of the Yukon with great success.
De Beers Snap Lake Diamond Mine
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
One of the world's only fully underground diamond mines is also one of the world's most complicated and advanced diamond mines.
Arctic Winter Games
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Preserving traditional sports that are unique to the North.
The Ecoraft
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A group of students built a "sustainable" raft and embarked on a 3,000 km odyssey on the Yukon River from Whitehorse, through Yukon and Alaska, to…
Power Tool Drag Racing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Looking for a new way to spend a weekend? How about turning your leaf blower into a fire-breathing dragster?
Solar One
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Gilbert Cohen dreams of powering power-thirsty Las Vegas with his concentrating solar power plant.
Built in Your Backyard: Tank Town
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Tired of his hard water, this Texan started farming "cloud juice" and "fog berries."
Pedal the Ocean (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
To illustrate what we can do with human-powered vehicles, Greg Kolodziejzyk will attempt to pedal a boat across the ocean.
"Clocky" the Robot Alarm Clock
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Have a hard time waking up in the morning? Try this alarm clock that makes you chase it to shut it off.
The Donkervoort Supercar
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This Dutch supercar is one of the fastest and lightest street cars in all of Europe.
Audi R8
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Racetrack technology meets the street in Audi's supercar.
The Seabreacher
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Check out this freestyle watercraft that's part boat, part airplane, and part mammal.
Bofors Archer BD-77 Artillery System
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Swedish military has a unique new high-powered mobile weapon.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Researchers at the University of Munich are developing a remotely operated robot that will allow humans to have more control over robots that are…
Solid Rocket Fuel Disposal
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The burn grounds is where ATK dispose of the leftover highly flammable space shuttle propellant that they manufacture for NASA
Typhoon Fighter Jet
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A lot of high-tech components go into one of the world's most advanced aircraft.
Shark Smell
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Researchers at the Marine Biological Lab in Massachusetts are trying to determine the sensitivity of a shark's sense of smell.
Blind Pilot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Blind adventurer Miles Hilton-Barber has driven racecars and flown a microlite. Now he's taking off in a stunt plane!
Rotterdam Tugboats
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
These tiny tugboats use their enormous power to haul humungous tankers into and out of port.
The The Hong Kong Symphony of Lights Hong Kong Symphony of Lights
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Every night, the Hong Kong skyline turns into a spectacular 20-minute light show.
The Astute
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A lot of technological innovations went into the construction of the biggest and most powerful nuclear-powered attack sub ever built in the United…
3M Anti-Graffiti Film
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
3M has developed a new film that will help transit authorities in their fight against graffiti artists and vandals.
Built in Your Backyard: Electric Giraffe
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Lindsay Lawlor's walking electric Giraffe is made up of more than a ton of wires, metal, lights and circuit boards.
Absolut Vodka
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Swedish spirit maker uses the latest production techniques to allow it to meet high global demand while continuing to bottle the vodka in the…
Built in Your Backyard: Animari
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Theo Jansen has created a new kind of creature. His "strand beasts" use wind energy to "walk" across the beach.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Researchers at COMPRU are using the latest technology to develop and improve bone-anchored hearing aids.
Upgrading London's Subway System
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
It takes a lot of planning and teamwork to upgrade London's underground tracks with a new system that promises to revolutionize subway travel.
Built in Your Backyard: Front Runner
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Using the old hot rods of the '50s for inspriation, Joey Ruiter has created a truly unique watercraft that is pulled by the engines, rather than…
Fact of the Matter: Bathtub Vortex
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker disproves a popular myth about draining a bathtub.
The M House
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Michael Jantzen has challenged the conventionial ideas about house construction by building a modular shape-shifting house that can be transformed to…
Robotic Whooping Crane Eggs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
These datalogging eggs are giving researchers new insight into the nesting habits of the whooping crane which in turn helps the researchers to build…
The Death of Billy the Kid
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
New investigations are uncovering evidence that brings Pat Garrett's account of Billy the Kid's death into question.
Kiruna, Sweden
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
What do you do when a town located over the world's largest underground iron ore mine is in danger of collapsing? Move the town of course!
Mondo Spider
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
What started as an engineering challenge and an art project for 12 engineers has become a mechanical marvel.
Fact of the Matter: Breakfast Cereal
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker explores the physics of breakfast cereal, including the secret of snap, crackle, pop.
Behind the Scenes: Fire Forensics
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Greg Olson thinks training fire investigators in archaeology and osteology would help them recover evidence at fire scenes.
Fact of the Matter: Folding Paper
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker explains why it's nearly impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times.
Fact of the Matter: Putt Putt Boat
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker unravels the mystery of the amazing putt putt boat.
The Dutch Flower Market
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The biggest and busiest building in the world is the site of the world's largest flower market.
Arctic Kiteskiing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
When the McNair-Landry family goes kite flying Greenland, they bring their skis along.
Cell Phone Toss
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A sound knowledge of the physics involved in projectile motion (ballistics) is needed to set a new world record in the cell phone toss.
Maserati Master Course
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Maserati owners who want to learn how to get the most out of their high-performance cars can take lesson from professional racecar drivers at the…
Crime Scene House
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The University of Ontario's crime scene house gives forensic science professors a location to create realistic crime scenes where students can learn…
Fact of the Matter: The Spaghetti Effect
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker demonstrates the traditional Texan way to eat spaghetti; messily!
Endurance AUV
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Endurance Autonomous Underwater Vehicle is a prototype for a future spacecraft that will explore Europa, the icy moon of Jupiter.
The Tramontana
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Tramontana is a high-tech, high-performance, limited-production, hand-built, street-legal Spanish sports car.
Algonquin Telescope
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Thoth Technology is attempting resurrect the Algonquin Radio Observatory in time for a mission to Mars. But first, they literally have to work out…
Fact of the Matter: Energy
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Joanne O'Meara demonstrates the principle of conservation of energy.
Behind the Scenes: Mushroom Farm
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Go behind the scenes to see how mushrooms are planted, grown, harvested and packaged.
Behind the Scenes: Rope Access
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Go behind the scenes to see how high-flying powerline workers "learn the ropes."
Pedal the Ocean (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
An update on Greg Kolodziejzyk's progress in building the boat he will pedal across the ocean.
AlpTransit Tunnel
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Eight hundred meters below the town of Sedrun, Switzerland, the world's longest railway tunnel is being carved out of the rock.
Concrete Canvas
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Two engineers in London have invented a "building in a bag" - a rapidly deployed hardened shelter that requires only water and air for construction.
Built in Your Backyard: Alaskan Mecca
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Carlos Owens spent 2 years and almost $25,000 building a giant walking robot in his parents' backyard..
Fact of the Matter: The Laws of Motion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Joanne O'Meara helps Jay demonstrate Isaac Newton's third law of motion.
Jet Art
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Prince Jurgen von Anhalt uses the blast from a jet engine to paint his canvasses.
The AquaSkipper
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Australian Andre MacIver hopes his product will start a new fitness craze.
Fact of the Matter: Tea Pot Effect
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker shows Jay how to pour tea without making a mess.
Yves Rossy: Rocket Man
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This Swiss aerial daredevil soars through the clouds at speeds of up to 200km/h with a set of jet-powered wings.
RHIOT School
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training School puts students through their paces in extreme conditions.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This uniquely designed sailing boat can travel at three times the speed of the wind.
Fact of the Matter: Tumbling Toast
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker explains why dropped toast always lands jelly side down
Ultramagic Hot Air Balloons
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This Spanish manufacturer builds every component of their balloons in their own factory, including the baskets.
The Hyper-Sub
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Reynolds Marion spent 30 years building a craft that floats like a boat and dives like a submarine to win a $20 bet with his sister.
Electric Pickup Truck
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A teen-aged lifeguard gives the big auto companies some competition by building his own electric-powered pickup truck.
Swiss Glaciers
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Inventors have developed a couple of products that help deal with problems caused by global warming.
Virtual Jellyfish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Researchers at the University of North Carolina are creating virtual jellyfish to study the fluid dynamics involved in their movement.
Biomechanics of Kangaroos
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Michio Kaku's research of kangaroos is giving researchers insight into biometrics of dinosaurs and possible aliens.
Fact of the Matter: Tea Leaves
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Jearl Walker invites Jay to tea where he demonstrates secondary flow.
LittleDog Autonomous Walking Robot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
DARPA is sponsoring a contest to develop the software that will allow a robot dog to autonomously navigate rough terrain.
Bumblebee Vision
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
How studying bees will help to build better helicopters.
Ants Playing Possum
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Biologist Deby Cassill has discovered that some fire ants rush headlong into battle, while others will play dead to avoid fighting.
The Flying Fish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Engineers at the University of Michigan have built the first fully autonomous aircraft that can launch from and land on the ocean surface.
Space Treadmill
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Astronauts need to exercise while in space but zero gravity presents a challenge for traditional exercise equipment.
3M VHB Tape
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
3M has developed a very high bond tape that is so strong that it can replace welds and rivets and can hold buildings together.
Fact of the Matter: Scale
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Joanne O'Meara demonstrates why we should be skeptical of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
MDA Martian Rover
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Canadian firm that built the space shuttle's Canadarm is developing the next-generation Mars rover.
The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
This Spanish church is the world's longest running construction project, still under construction 125 years after the first stone was laid.
3M Textured Surface Film
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
New technology developed by 3M is turning rough surfaces like cement or brick into prime advertising real estate.
The Race To Mars Is On
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The Utah desert is the stand-in for the surface of Mars so students can participate in the University Rover Challenge.
Vidsel Missile Test Range
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The MQM-107B unarmed drone is the target of choice at the largest overland missile testing facility in all of Europe.
3D Jay
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Canadian visual effects company XYZ RGB uses their 3D scanning services to create quickly a virtual Jay Ingram.
Depth X
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The world's deepest sinkhole is the site of the latest test for Stone Aerospace's robotic underwater explorer.
Fact of the Matter: Golf Ball Dimples
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Physicist Marcello Pavan demonstrates why golf balls are dimpled rather than smooth.
The Orcadian Wreck
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville use some sneaky tactics and high-tech equipment to search for the Canadian schooner at the bottom of Lake Ontario.
Solar Xylophone
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Rory Nugent didn't let a lack of musical ability stop him from inventing a xylaphone that's played by the sun.
Tulum Caves
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Divers Steve Bogaerts and Robbie Schmittner are shining new light on the mysterious realm of the longest underwater cave system in the world.
Oxygen on Mars
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Phoenix Lander makes an unexpected disovery that should help future manned missions to Mars.
Date Palm Seed
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Medicinal plant specialist Elaine Solowey attempts t bring a 2,000-year-old seed back to life to resurrect an extinct date palm tree.
Artificial Tutor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Learning Companion is digital teacher that attempts to attend to the learner's emotional state while they are learning and integrate affective…
Spadefoot Toad
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Sarig Gafny is on a quest to protect the last remaining home of the peculiar and extremely rare spadefoot toad in Israel.
The Zeusaphone
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Steve Ward and Jeff Larson named their invention after the God of Lightning for a reason: the Zeusaphone makes its music with Tesla coils and…
The Kite Wing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Kite Winging is an action sport combined with an environmental source of energy and it can be performed almost anywhere on almost any surface.
Milltown Dam
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Removal of the Milltown Dam and the contaminated soil around it has become a massive engineering and environmetal challenge.
Sea Urchins
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Sea urchins may hold the key to understanding global warming and the oceans of the future.
Doctor Asteroid
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Richard Binzel identifies and tracks asteroids to help determine how to best deal with possible collisions with Earth.
NASA's Worms
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
These tiny worms, called elegans, were the only survivors of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.
Mars Science Lab
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Engineer Jaime Waydo and her team are building what could end up being the biggest vehicle ever sent to another planet.
Behind the Scenes: Cranberry Production
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Ed Robertson, of Barenaked Ladies fame, takes us behind the scenes at a cranberry farm to see how cranberries are grown, harvested, and packaged.
Jay's Journal: Election Colours
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay examines how colour may play a key role in election campaigns.
Diving Academy
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Scotland's Professional Diving Academy trains elite deep sea divers to perform underwater welding, cutting, and demoliton.
Behind the Scenes: Giant Pumpkins
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Ed Robertson, of Barenaked Ladies fame, takes us behind the scenes at a pumkin farm to see how farmers grow giant pumpkins.
Creating Rapids
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Kayakers Chuck Lee and Mark Taylor have turned a flat stretch of the Kananaskis River into the ultimate whitewater playground.
The Frankenshower
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Bob Beekman's portable campsite shower is made from parts that can be found in any hardware store.
Flexible Golf Clubs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Are you a guy who's looking for a little more distance? Maybe you should try a woman's club.
Cloud Seeding
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
New technology is helping Roelof Bruintjes determine how to best seed clouds to increase rainfall in the dryer areas of Australia.
AD Astra Rocket
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
AD Astra Rocket Company is testing a prototype plasma-fueled rocket engine that could revolutionize space travel.
USS Texas
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are restoring the oldest remaining dreadnought battleship to the state it was in at the end of World War II.
Steam-Powered Robots
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This 3D animator combines his artistry with his engineering skills to create some amazing radio-controlled robots.
Asian Carp Invasion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The native fish species of Mississippi River system are under serious threat from a foreign invader.
Hurricane Ike
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Canadian storm chaser Mark Robinson tells Jay what it was like to be directly in the eye of Hurricane Ike and shows the footage he captured with his…
Blind Supersonic Flight
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Blind adventurer Miles Hilton-Barber has driven racecars and flown airplanes! Now, he's about to go supersonic!
Solar Helium Balloon
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A company in Israel is working on a do-it-yourself helium balloon fitted with solar panels to generate electricity.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
What sets this powered parachute apart from others is the side-by-side seating which gives passengers a better view and gives the Aerochute greater…
Monster Motorcycle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Feast your eyes on Ray Baumann's car-crushing motorcycle from Australia.
The Solar Sailor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
There's a new ferry in Sydney's harbour that's powered by the sun and the wind.
New Age Stonehenge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Solar Collector is a high-tech monument that is similar in form and function to Stonehenge.
Hypervelocity Test
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The crew at he White Sands Hypervelocity Testing Facility spend their days trying to shoot holes in NASA's capsule shield desings.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A camera that you actually swallow will give doctors a whole new view of your small intestine.
Underwater Vision
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Researchers are studying sea gypsies in an attempt to understand how they can see so clearly underwater.
Venice MOSE Project
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
An army of engineers are building an enormous sea wall in an attempt to stop the Adriatic Sea from flooding Venice and sinking the city.
Big Ass Fans
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
There's a lot of aeronautic science behind the design of these massive ceiling fans.
Windtunnel Skiing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Canadian Ski Team uses a massive windtunnel to help design a better Olympic ski suit.
Whale Power
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Humpback Whale may hold the key to more efficient wind turbines.
Hockey Organ
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Graeme Patterson's invention allows him to play table hockey and make music at the same time.
Monkeylectric Bike Light
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Pimp your bicycle with these programmable LED lights.
Killer Laser
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Airborne Laser Program is developing a laser that can be fired from a plane to destroy missiles.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Motorcycle enthusiast and daredevil Kerry MacLean has built a unique one-wheeled vehicle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This huge "spider boat" is an entirely new kind of watercraft.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
18-year-old inventor Ben Gulak's creation is an electric-powered cross between a unicycle and a street bike.
The Mekong River
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Biologists have discovered many amazing new animal species in Southeast Asia, including a giant-sized spider and a millipede that emits cyanide.
Snow Kayak
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Lyle Phetteplace is on a mission to set a new speed record in a snow kayak.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
When you need some artificial snow, call Alabama's Snowmaster.
V8 Snowblower
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Throw away that snowshovel and get yourself a V8-powered snowblower.
Replacing an IMAX Screen
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Manufacturing and installing a 6-story IMAX screen is a big challenge.
Jay's Journal: Slip Sliding Away
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay discusses various scientific theories of why ice is slippery.
Bird Radar
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The MERLIN Bird Detection System is the latest tool in the fight to prevent bird strikes around airports.
Mountaineering Gear Testing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Gord Betenia's job as the lead gear tester for Mountain Equipment Co-op requires him to test gear in all kinds of weather.
Kine Assist
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This robot could change the face of physical therapy.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Barack Obama's presidential limousine - known as "The Beast" - is being called the safest vehicle on the planet.
Jay's Journal: Panda Thumbs
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Are a panda's thumbs and example of intelligent design or evolution?
Owl Monkeys
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A team at the Dumond Conservatory is unraveling the mysteries of the only nocturnal monkey species.
Penguin Walk
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
New research shows that a penguin's walk isn't as clumsy as we once thought and a team of engineers is trying to build a robot that walks just like…
Drugged Fish
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Researchers are finding trace amounts of drugs in fish. The drugs are coming from us and are affecting the behaviour of the fish.
Canada's Supercomputer
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Ziya finds out what makes a certain supercomputer the fastest computer in Canada.
Lunar Regolith Digger
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Expectations are high and the competition is fierce at NASA's first-ever moon dirt digging contest.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
"Aqua" is an amphibious robot that could one day save reefs, and even lives.
Solar Tower
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Solucar solar power tower is designed to harness the energy of the sun and is capable of powering an entire nearby Spanish town.
Computerized Foosball
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Students at the University of Waterloo have developed a computerized system that plays foosball against human opponents.
Crashed Ice
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A behind-the-scenes look at Canada's newest extreme sport.
Cruise Ship Ice Rink
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A look at the challenges of maintaining an ice rink on a cruise ship.
Ice Marathon
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Andy Dahlstrom is about to enter the ultimate endurance contest that will push his mind and body to the brink: the 200km ice marathon. He's hoping…
Speed Skiing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Velocity Challenge in BC is a gathering of speed junkies who compete in the fastest nonmotorized sport on Earth.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
There's a lot of R&D involved in making a transcontinental flight in a jet fuelled with renewable biofuel.
The Fire King Firetruck
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This extreme forest firefighting vehicle can also be used as a shelter in the middle of a wildfire.
Wildfire Training
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Fighting wildfires and walking away with your life means being prepared which is why the Weaver Mountain Helitack crew gathers weeks before the fire…
Worm Grunting
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Nevermind the shovel. Here's an even better way to get your hands on some bait.
Fact of the Matter: Icicles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Physicist Stephen Morris demonstrates his icicle making machine and discusses some of theories of how icicles form.
Cruise Ship Ocean Lab
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
In addition to all the fun activities on the Explorer of the Seas, there's a lot of serious science going on as well.
Hawaiian Super Sucker
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This industrial-sized aquatic vacuum cleaner is used to clean up alien algae in Kaneohe Bay that is endangering the coral reefs.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The EmotiChair is a technology that takes sound and turns it into vibrations that will allow deaf people to experience a concert.
Better Road De-Icer
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Paul Simonsen and his team are using unique ingredients to create a more environmentally-friendly and more efficient road de-icer.
Mermaid II
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Kenichi Horie will attempt to sail from Hawaii to Japan aboard the world's first wave-powered boat.
Hawaiian Beach Erosion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Hawaii's beaches are shrinking at an astonsihing rate thanks to seawalls that were built to protect beachfront homes.
Surf Factory
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A behind-the-scene look at how handcrafted surf boards are made.
Fact of the Matter: Reversing Time
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Physicist Stephen Morris demonstrates how you can use ink and glycerine to turn back time.
Reactor Helmet
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Students and teachers at the Segal Design Institute are designing a helmet that will keep people alive in one of the most toxic environments on Earth…
Cataloguing Modern Paints
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Getty Conservation Institute is cataloging modern paints based on how the paints age.
Pedal-Powered Blimp
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Stephane Rousson has trained for years in preparation for his trip across the English Channel in his pedal-powered blimp.
Rock N' Roll Sidewalk
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Nick Tyler's reconfigurable sidewalk allows him to understand how people navigate crowded, uneven sidewalks.
Eyeborg Camera
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
One-eyed Filmmaker Rob Spence wants to turn his prosthetic eye into a camera.
Fact of the Matter: Bed of Nails
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Physicist Joanne O'Meara demonstrates why you would be better of being stepped on by an elephant than by a woman wearing stiletto heels.
The Shweeb: Human-Powered Monorail
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
What if you could pedal your way across town to work in the morning suspended above the hustle and bustle of rush hour and secluded from the elements?
RC Miniature Airbus A380
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A retired auto mechanic has built a radio-controlled 1/15th scale model of the world's largest jetliner.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Scientists are working on a robot that can load a dishwasher and perform other domestic tasks all by itself.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The US Air Force's Aerial Targets Squadron turns "retired" fighter jets into unmanned drones for target practice.
Unmanned Aerial Tracking Vehicles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Students from BYU have developed image processing technology that let small cheap unmanned aerial tracking vehicles find and track objects.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
SkinzWraps has developed a revolutionary product that uses golf ball technology to make cars faster and more fuel-efficient.
Toy Tester
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Shannon Bruzelius has turned his passion for toys into a full-time job. He tests toys to help make them better and safer.
"Shadow" the Bear-Sniffing Dog
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Shadow uses his nose to help rangers track and count grizzly bears in Banff National Park.
Crash Scene Investigation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
After the cars are towed away, crash scene investigators move in to piece together what happened in the moments before impact.
E-FIT Composite Sketches
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Investigators have a high-tech computer program called Electronic Facial Identification Technology (E-FIT) that makes it much easier to create a…
Forensic Isotopes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Dr. Henry Schwarcz explains how he used isotopes and archaeological science to help solve a murder case.
High-Tech Football Stadium
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
How do the groundskeepers at this football stadium keep the grass playing surface green and healthy? They keep the field outside and move it indoors…
Mind Games
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Can we convince ourselves that there are differences between two identical items?
Spaceport America
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Steve Landeene of the New Mexico Spaceport Authority is planning to build the first purpose-built spaceport.
Hunlen Falls
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
BC's Hunlen Falls is one of the biggest waterfalls in Canada; and, when it freezes, it becomes a playground for ice climbers like Will Gadd.
Brain Bank
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Quebec Brain Bank receives 80 to 100 brains every year that are used in experiments to help researchers and scientists understand how this…
The Alé
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Fuel Vapor Technologies built this high-mileage performance car to win the Progressive Automotive X-Prize.
Jay's Journal: Urban vs Rural Attention
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay explains how getting back to nature helps your brain work better.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
This water-propelled jetpack can send you 30 feet into the air and is tailor-made for highflyers.
Small Car Crash Tests
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
New crash safety tests are pitting micro cars against mid-size sedans in front-end collisions and the results are shocking.
Total Immersion: Augmented Reality
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
New technology is giving baseball cards new life in a spectacular way.
Enbridge Natural Gas Fuel Cell
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Canada's largest natural gas distributor and an American fuel cell company have perfected a way to harness waste energy and turn it into electricity.
Eco-Friendly Clothing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A forward-thinking Japanese company has developed a process to turn discarded plastic water bottles into fashionable men's suits.
Eco-Friendly Cop Car
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Carbon Motors has developed a police car that integrates numerous eco-friendly technologies.
Vertical Farms
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
When space is at a premium, it takes some outside-the-box thinking to come up with areas to grow produce and livestock.
The War on Potholes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Schilich School of Engineering is developing a next-generation asphalt that will make our roads more durable.
Avalanche Search & Rescue
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
When an avalanche occurs in Iceland, the highly-trained and specially-outfitted Avalanche Search & Rescue Squad springs into action.
Indoor Skydiving
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Want to experience the thrill of skydiving without worrying about a faulty parachute? Then indoor skydiving is for you!
Excavating a Buried Town
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Olafur Snorrason is leading a project to uncover his hometown of Heimaey, Iceland, which was buried by a volcanic eruption in 1973.
Jet-Powered Commuter
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Ron Patrick suped up his 2000 Volkswagen Beetle with a 1400-hp jet engine.
Cajun Crawler
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A trio of mechanical engineering students have invented a unique and elaborate walking machine.
Shoe Phone
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
An Australian inventor has invented a working shoe phone that could end up being a lifesaver.
Biodiversity Gallery
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay takes a tour of the biodiversity gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum that contains 2500 specimens that illustrate life on Earth and our efforts…
Animal Models
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay gets a lesson in how modelers at the Royal Ontario Museum make such realistic lifelike animal models.
Math & Music: Beats and Notes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay and a couple of musical guests discuss the mathematical underpinnings of musical beats.
Math & Music: The Blues
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay and a couple of musical guests demonstrate how the blues can be distilled down to a mathematical formula.
Massive Mammal Model
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Go behind the scenes at PalaeoPlus to see how they build a life-sized model of a huge dinosaur.
Robot Warfare
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The use of robots in war has a surprising impact on soldiers.
Datadot Technology
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
A microscopic technology may save your car and other valuables.
Jay's Journal: Hand to Mouth Reaction
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Jay discusses theories as to why we put our hand to our mouth when we are shocked.
Hammerhead Shark Vision
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Scientists are studying hammerhead sharks to try to determine why they have such oiddly shaped heads.
Digital Water Pavillion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The Digital Water Pavillion on the Digital Mile at the 2008 World Expo site in Spain uses water, light, and digital technology to create an amazing…
The Pavement Edger/Pothole Patcher
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Doug Berman has invented a machine that will dramatically increase the efficiency and safety of road repair crews.
Swarm Intelligence
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Professor Christian Jacob uses sophisticated computer models to try and understand swarm intelligence in an effort to aid in the design better…
Identifying Ammunition
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Go behind the scenes at the Centre of Forensic Sciences to see how ballistics experts identify ammunition and match it to the weapon that fired it.
Tornado Simulator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Reel EFX is the place to go if you need a tornado in your movie.
Blood Spatters
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Intructors at the Criminal Justice Institute at the University of Arkansas recreate crime scenes to teach students and investigators the art and…
Building a Replica Viking Ship
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This pair of Danes are boat builders, sailors, and archaeologists who build replica viking boats that are authentic in every detail.
Runaway Truck Ramp
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Engineers are testing a new catchfence system that will prevent runaway trucks from entering the busiest intersection in Northern Ontario.
Bomb Disposal Suit
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Doug Thake at Coventry University is trying to build a cooler bomb disposal suit.
Jay's Journal: Swearing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses new research that seems to prove that swearing or cussing actually reduces pain
Tumbleweed Rover
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Students at NCSU test their brand new spherical lunar rover design that was inspired by a Mars mission.
TyeDee Bins
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Gary Johnson puts his bear-proof garbage containers to the ultimate test by letting a couple of polar bears have their way with the bins.
Denmark Rocket
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Denmark's most eccentric engineer tests the engine for the rocket he plans to use to launch a person into space.
Miniature Supertankers
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
If you want to learn how to steer massive supertankers, you need to train on these 5-ton mini-supertankers.
H1N1 and Women
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
New research suggests that young women are more likely to be infected by a severe form of the H1N1 virus.
Steam Engine
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
How do you move a 190-ton steam engine through the streets of dowtown Toronto? Very carefully!
"Buddy" the Lobster Dog
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
"Buddy" is a fully-trained police dog whose job is to serve an protect... lobsters!
Dynamic Air Shelters
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Using nothing but fabric and air, two Newfoundland communities are leaders in building blast-proof shelters.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
There's a new kind of restaurant moving into Montreal: the MuvBox mobile & eco-friendly restaurant.
Forest Photos
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Neal Scott takes thousands of photos of the forest of Lake Opinicon to better understand how greenhouse gases are affecting the forests.
Owl Pest Control
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Farmers in Israel are using barn owls, rather than pesticides, to keep the rodent population under control.
Tagging Leatherback Turtles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Catching a leatherback turtle to tag it is no easy task.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This Danish island is showing the world how it is possible to be completely reliant on renewable energy sources.
Kingston Wreck
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Divers are carefully exploring the bottom of Lake Ontario to identify wrecks of warships from the War of 1812.
Trak Kayak
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This foldable kayak is a 16-foot high performance kayak that fits in a golf bag.
Luray Cave Organ
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Great Stalacpipe Organ is the world's largest musical instrument and uses stalactites, rather than pipes, to make music.
Israel's Drought
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The population of Israel is growing faster than the water supply can keep up which has Israelis taking water conservation to a whole new level.
Bats and the Brain
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers are studying Egyptian fruit bats in an attempt to better understand how the hippocampus is used in memory.
The Science Barge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Go onboard a floating sustainable urban farm that may hold the key to food production in the future.
Mine Accident Survival
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Mine Barrier Survival System is a portable inflatable barrier and air cleaner that is designed to help miners survive an underground explosion…
Flying Squirrels
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers are tagging and studying southern flying squirrels to understand how they are able to invade the territory of the northern flying…
Dead Sea Sinkholes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Because citizens in and around Israel are using so much water, the Dead Sea is shrinking; and leaving dangerous sinkholes in its wake.
Jay's Journal: The Human Hand
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses new research that suggests early man would have been a great baseball player.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A Canadian inventor demonstrates his flexible glowsticks that can be used to make elaborate glow-in-the-dark creations.
Olympic Oval
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A behind-the-scenes look at the construction of the enormous Olympic Speedskating Oval in Vancouver.
Westland Lysander
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum puts a Westland Lysander into the air for the first time in more than 60 years.
Ziyology: Bees
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Author and naturalist Candace Savage explains how honey bees can really teach us humans a lot about working and living together.
The Avro Arrow
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Alan Jackson and students at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology have constructed a full-scale replica of the Avro Arrow.
Biofuel Rocket
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Flometrics Inc. is testing a rocket fuel made from corn and soybean oil.
Boscombe Artificial Reef
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Europe's first artificial reef is being built in the English Channel in an attempt to create better waves for surfers.
Acoustic Tunnel Alert System
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
An acoustic alert system is being developed in an attempt to help authorities save time and lives in a tunnel emergency.
Wind Turbine Racer
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Danish engineering students are developing cars that are powered solely by wind power.
Ski Tunnel
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The cross-country ski tunnel in Vuokatti, Finland, is the perfect place for olympic teams to train and test year-round.
Fusion Target
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
In an extreme example of precision, the world's most powerful laser is fired at a microscopic target to reproduce the extreme conditions inside the…
Ice Rescues
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay plays the victim for a police ice rescue training exercise.
Interactive Micro Displays
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Fraunhofer Institute is developing a device that projects images into your eye so they appear to float in front of you.
Modular Helical Wind Turbines
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This unique fan design could hold the key to the future of economical wind energy.
Jay's Journal: Copenhagen Debate
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses his frustrations with the Copenhagen Conference, "Climategate" and other discussions about global climate change.
Jay's Journal: Coffee and Booze Myth
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay explains why our belief that coffee can help sober us up may be totally wrong.
3D Teleconferencing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Andrew Jones is developing a system that will enable him to virtually attend any meeting by projecting a 3-dimensional video of his head to the…
Anti-Venom Denim
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Research suggests that jeans are your best defense against snakebites.
Arctic Sub
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Artic Explorer submarine is designed to autonomously map the ocean floor under the arctic ice and define Canada's arctic boundaries.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This automated safety deposit box system will allows customers to access their safety deposit boxes at their own convenience, much like an ATM allows…
Blue Crab Mating Signals
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jamie Baldwin is studying the blue crab's mating signals in an attempt to understand what role colour plays in their mating rituals.
BMW Smart Door
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
BMW is developing technology that will help drivers get in and out of your car in tight parking spaces.
The Bow Building
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A behind-the-scenes look at the construction of a unique new office tower in Calgary.
DIY Arcade
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jason Torchinsky demonstrates how he recycles old arcade cabinets into custom arcade games.
Sprint Shoes
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Sports researcher and athletee Andrea Vine is studying how runners such as herself apply power through the shoe and onto the track in hopes that the…
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Mobile proximity marketing may be the future of advertising
Coast Guard Hovercraft
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Climb aboard an extreme machine that helps the Canadian Coast Guard respond quickly to nautical and terrestrial emergencies.
Caribou Paint
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A pair of wildlife biologists have a unique and adrenaline pumping way of counting Newfoundland's caribou population.
Earthquake Predicting Toads
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
At least one biologist is convinced that a certain species of toad in Italy can predict earthquakes.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This Finnish invention is an adverstisement screen that you can walk through.
Gizmodo: Sketch3D
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Gizmodo shows off a new "twist" on the Etch-A-Sketch
Gizmodo: Interactive Mirror
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Gizmodo shows off a mirror that can help you get dressed in the morning as well as brightening up yor room.
Grass Skiing
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Grass skiing is a great way for downhill skiers to train during the offseason.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The newest thrill ride to hit the slopes is a combination of hang gliding and snowboarding.
Jay's Journal: Titanic vs Lusitania
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses research concerning human behaviour in catastrophic situations.
Jay's Journal: Leaning to the Future
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses research that suggests our posture is affected by whether we our thinking about the future or the past.
Medical Seaweed
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Newfoundland's unique seaweeds are being studied to develop and commercialize their medicinal potential.
Sandfish Lizard
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers and studying the sandfish lizard in an attempt to understand how it "swims" through the sand.
Shark Senses
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers are trying to learn how one of the oldest and most successful predators on our planet combines information from different senses to…
Soviet Space Auction
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Waddington's Auction House in Toronto is auctioning off some unique artifacts from the Soviet space program.
Space Tourism
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Gregory Olsen discusses what it was like to be in space as a "space tourist."
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers are studying the little-known hawkmoth to uncover how they have mastered the art of hovering which may help build better helicopters.
The Drowning Machine
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Calgary Fire Department's Aquatic Rescue Team regularly run drills to hone the techniques used when trying to rescue people who get trapped in…
The DTV Shredder
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The inventors of this extreme machine - that combines the best aspects of a skateboard and a snowmobile - hope that the DTV Shredder will herald the…
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A behind-the-scenes look at the filming of a creative ad for a unique style of skateboard.
The Mystery of Saturn's Ring
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Astronomers have discovered a new ring that totally dwarfs Saturn itself and may be the answer to an old mystery about one of Saturn's moons.
The Franklin Mystery
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A can of soup may hold the answers to the 160-year-old mystery of what happened to the crew of Sir John Franklin's polar expedition.
The Numb Bumb 24-Hour Ice Race (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
An 18km track on a frozen lake is the setting for the coldest endurance race on the planet.
The Numb Bumb 24-Hour Ice Race (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The continuation of Frank Barry's quest to win the coldest endurance race on the planet.
The Qumran Ruins
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Archaeologists still have differing theories as to what the aquifers at the ruins of Qumran were used for.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
What started as a backyard project has turned into one of the world's best off-road vehicles.
Gila Monsters
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers are studying gila monsters to understand how the explosive population growth in the deserts fo the American Southwest is affecting the…
Okar's Lighthouse
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Oskar no longer guides ships from his lighthouse on the coast of Iceland. He now collects data for pollution and global warming research.
Virtual Qumran
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Virtual Qumran Project allows researchers to combine notes and research from various sources into a virtual archaeological site that is shedding…
Solar-Human Hybrid
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Find out how a high school student was able to make a 4-wheel hybrid vehicle
Team Rocket
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
It takes a lot of preparation and pyro to put on a fiery nighttime air show.
Wind Up
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The man who built the world's lowest car has now built the world's smallest car.
The Science of Magic
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Neuroscientists are studying how magicians trick our brains.
Tarantula Trucks
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Check out these unusual long board skateboards.
Ziyology: Sara De Freitas
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ziya discovers how serious games can grow our minds and help the planet.
Jay's Journal: Personal Space
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses a revealing experiment that sheds dramatic new light on the idea of personal space.
NEETRAC Lightning Lab
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Daily Planet takes a look at the science behind making lightning bolts.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This ingenius invention recycles pop cans in a whole new way by using them to heat homes.
Ziyology: Josef Penninger
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ziya talks to the man they call the greatest mind in genetics.
Ziyology: Arthur & Marilouise Kroker
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ziya learns how augmented reality technology could change the world.
Jay's Journal: Science & Religion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay explores how science factors into religion and vice-versa.
Neptune Canada
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This underwater lab will open a scientific window on a previously unseen world.
Inversion Goggles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
How would your brain react if your world was flipped upside down?
Texting Stolen Cars
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
What if you could simply send a text to disble and locate your stolen car?
Jay's Journal: Red & Blue
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay examines the associations we make with certain colours.
Wave Star
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Find out how generating electricity from the ocean waves may solve global warming!
Poo Catapault
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
You really do not want to trespass on Joe Weston-Webb's property!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
These tough autonomous robots are intended to gather scientific data in harsh artic conditions.
Ziyology: Mark Terry
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ziya sits down with explorer and film maker Mark Terry to find out about his new discoveries and film all about the Antarctic.
Snakes in the Studio
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Bry Loyst of the Indian River Reptile Zoo visits the Daily Planet studio with an Eyelash Gecko, an Eyelash Viper, and a sidewinder rattlesnake.
Ziyology: Gerald Butts
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
In today's Ziyology, Ziya talks to World Wildilfe Fund's Gerald Butts about how he thinks humans can change the world.
Virtual Kung Fu
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Have you ever wanted to become a martial arts master? This video game could help get you there.
Ziyology: Wade Davis
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
In today's Ziyology, Ziya catches up with author Wade Davis to chat about cultural extinction.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This maritime safety training centre in Finland specializes in training sailors for rescue missions.
3D Castle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
We travel to Scotland to see how some researchers are using laser imaging to create a detailed 3D virtual model of an historic castle.
Super Aviator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This revolutionary personal submersible "flies" through the waters of Hawaii, exploring the ocean floor.
Remote Control Bowling Ball
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The RC900 can help children and people with physical disabilities get better bowling scores.
Buri Cave
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Bjorn Hroarsson takes us along on the arduous trek to the dangerous volcanic cave in southwestern Iceland.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
A new network of martian probes may gives us more detailed information about the weather and climate on Mars.
Volcano Boarding
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Looking for the best place to toboggan? How about the side of a volcano?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Daily Planet is off to a nuclear power plant in Finland to find out what makes Finlanders fearless of nuclear power.
Lunokhod 1
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Check out where NASA found a Soviet lunar rover more than 30 years after it went missing.
Omer 7
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Find out how one man's dream to race 100 nautical miles under the sea using human power becomes a reality!
Meandering Streams
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
See how this indoor river helps to explain how bodies of water came to exist!
Ziyology: Jane Goodall
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
In Ziyology, Ziya gets an exclusive interview with one of the world's most recognized animal behaviourists, Jane Goodall.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Seaplex team is trying to identify the amount of plastic in our oceans and its effect on ocean life.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
One of the latest extreme sports combines paragliding with falconry.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Researchers use modern technology to unlock the secrets of the ancient magical instrument that is the unmistakable sound of Australia.
Whale Whisperer (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Oceanographer Oscar Frey uses kite aerial photography to study whales without disturbing them.
Whale Whisperer (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Oceanographer Oscar Frey launches his new high-def kite-mounted video camera to study the impact of tourists on the whale population.
Norway Glacier
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Meet an incredible team of researchers who are studying glaciers by actually living underneath them.
Pedal the Ocean (Part 3)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Greg Kolodziejzyk performs sea trials with his latest modified kayak that he will pedal from British Columbia to Hawaii.
DeltaWing Indycar
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The designers of this concept car hope that it will become the more fuel-efficient replacement for the current Indycar.
Magenn Power Air Rotor System
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Theoretically, this high-altitude rotating balloon will use wind energy to generate enough electricity to power 600 homes.
Hyena Giggle
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Frederic Theunissen studies a colony of 21 captive hyenas to examine the science behind their giggle.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Engineered for extremes, a new hybrid submersible visits the deepest, darkest place on Earth.
3D Warship
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The wreck of the HMS Somerset recently resurfaced and laser scanning technology is being used to take a special snapshot of this legendary warship.
Faster Than the Wind
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Rick Cavallaro's BUFC uses wind energy to seemingly defy the laws of physics.
Virtual Blue Whale
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Find out how a Blue Whale skeleton from PEI found a new home in Vancouver and was digitally archived, bone by bone, with a 3D laser scanner.
White Noise
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay interviews Lora Koenig of Operation Ice Bridge to discuss how scientists are studying Arctic and Antarctic ice from airborne labs.
Robotic Rehab
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This two-legged robot may help doctors in their quest to help patients learn to walk again after stroke or other neruological injuries.
Freedom Leverage Chair
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
This new wheelchair can cover all sorts of terrain, giving people around the world more accessibility and mobility.
Jay's Journal: Dog Breeding
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses research into the attributes of dogs that seem to be linked to one another.
Madagascar Institute
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
An underground artistic collective in Brooklyn transforms the mundane into magnificent artistic and dangerous carnival rides.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Monty Reed believes his robotic walking suit will enable paraplegics to walk again.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ben Brown and Curt Markwardt have developed an extreme pogo stick that enables the user to leap to unbelievable heights with very little energy.
Nanotube Battery
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Using tiny carbon nanotubes, chemists invent a tiny fuel cell powered by a small, but very hot flame.
Old Ironsides
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The USS Constitution, a veteran ship from the War of 1812, gets a major restoration thanks to some very old blueprints.
Bra Gas Mask
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Ziya interviews Dr. Elena Bodner, the inventor of a brassiere that can do double duty as a gas mask.
Jay's Journal: Tools
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Jay discusses reseach into how tool use can change the body schema in your brain.
The Tortoise and the Fire
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
The Jones Ecological Research Center routinely burns hectares of their land to protect the habitat of the endangered and unusual gopher tortoise.
X-Ray Artist
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2010
Nick Veasey is an artist that makes beautiful and unusual art using X-ray technology.
Plane in Lake
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Wreck hunters use some specialized equipment to find a plane that crashed into Lac Simon more than 50 years ago.
Junk Raft
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Marcus Eriksen & Joel Paschal sailed from California to Hawaii the on a raft made almost entirely of plastic garbage to raise awareness of the…
Engineering Sound Effects
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Radical Entertainment's Sound Effects Designer, Cory Hawthorne, shows us how much work went into making the awesome sound effects for their…
Blood Donation
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
How do you know if your blood is suitable for donation? What happens to your blood after you donate it? Watch and find out!
Fire Paste
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2011
Troy Hurtubise, the inventor of the Ursus bear-proof suit, is back with another amazing invention.
Fire Paste Returns (Part 1)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2011
Troy Hurtubise demonstrates how his invention could save lives and property from fire and even shows how it could have prevented the Space Shuttle…
Fire Paste Returns (Part 2)
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2011
Troy Hurtubise meets with a materials engineer at the University of Toronto to find out why his Fire Paste works so well.
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab with the Dr. Xand Patented Eyebrow Eliminator to demonstrate why humans have eybrows. In Operation Takeover, the…
Operation Ouch! - S06E07
By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab to demonstrate how brain's neuroplasticity, grey matter, white matter all come into play when you are learning new…