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Operation Ouch! - S06E05
This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Operation Ouch!
- Grade Level: Primary (1-3)-Junior High (7-9)
- Subjects: Life Science, Science and Nature, Medicine
- Produced By: Serious Lunch Ltd
- Year: 2017
- Country: United Kingdom
- Language: English
- Running Time: 28m
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The Doctors head into the lab to conduct a terrific tooth testing test to demonstrate why you have different types of teeth in your mouth.
In Operation Takeover, the Doctors discover the importance and difficulty of being a lifeguard.
In the Ouch Patients segment, we will follow four children along their daily lives throughout the season to learn what it's like to be a regular hospital outpatient. In this episode, we catch up with Maisie to see how having celiac disease affects her school lunches, then we check in with Kaden as he goes for his regular 6-week check-up to see how his cystic fibrosis is affecting him.
Dr. Chris investigates how the tactical medical wing of the RAF provides medical care all around the world.
In Accident & Emergency, one patient may have broken his kneecap in yet another motocross accident and another patient hurt her wrist after falling out of bed and then falling during a handstand.
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2016
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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Operation Ouch! - S06E02
By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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Operation Ouch! - S06E03
By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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Operation Ouch! - S06E04
By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab to demonstrate how brain's neuroplasticity, grey matter, white matter all come into play when you are learning new…
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab to demonstrate how your blood flows through valves in a one-way system throughout your body. In Operation Takeover…
Operation Ouch! - S06E09
By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab with some modelling clay and plaster to demonstrate how your body's cells divide via mitosis and how your bones…
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
The Doctors head into the lab with the Sphinctermatic 8.0 to deomstrate how two rings of muscle help you control an important bodily function. In…
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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By Serious Lunch Ltd - 2017
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