
Alien Mysteries

This series consists of the 6 products  
  • Grade Level: Junior High (7-9)-Adult
  • Subjects: Science and Nature
  • Produced By: Exploration Production Inc.
  • Year: 2013
  • Country: Canada
  • Language: English

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UFO experts believe that 90 percent of all reported phenomena and alien activity can be explained. That leaves a mysterious ten percent unexplained. Alien Mysteries are those stories.

Alien Mysteries candidly chronicles first person accounts of UFO sightings, alien encounters and abductions. In each episode real life characters take viewers on a suspenseful and often terrifying retelling of their bizarre, life altering encounters with forces from beyond our planet. Using state-of-the-art CGI techniques once reserved for Hollywood movies, Alien Mysteries will vividly depict UFO spacecraft, extraterrestrial beings, abduction chambers and alien experiments recounted by our witnesses. Each story is backed by credible witnesses, investigative reports and tangible evidence such as physical markings, photographs, radar reports and videos.

While the purpose of the show is not to debunk, we will "pull back the curtain" and press for the truth with the help of recognized experts by asking tough questions and pushing us to open our minds in search of answers.

In each episode, we turn to hard science experts: physicists, astronomers, astrobiologists, along with psychologists, and law enforcement officials to probe the question: How is this possible? Is there a practical explanation for sudden physical markings and ALIEN encounters? Some experts believe the answers are rational and grounded in science. Others are not so quick to discount the possibility that there are forces at work beyond our understanding.

Either way, viewers will be left with one eerie thought: something very weird and inexplicable has happened.

This series consists of the following products