
Sustainable Development: Environment

  • Grade Level: Upper Elementary (4-6)-Junior High (7-9)
  • Subjects: Geography
  • Produced By: Channel Four Learning
  • Year: 2003
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
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Using environmental case studies from around the world, chosen for their interest and relevance to students, these programmes offer information to young people on the major environmental challenges of the day, and their underlying economic and social causes, as well as advice on how they themselves can make a difference to the environment. pl@net.com inspires students to make a difference to the environment. Once Upon a Planet seeks to bring schools up to date with the latest thinking on some of the major environmental problems of our time - biodiversity extinction, climate change, pollution and over-consumption of natural resources. The programmes ring an 'alarm bell', spelling out the sheer scale of the global crises confronting us. But there is also a campaigning edge highlighting solutions being developed in Britain and around the world, to show what ordinary citizens can do.