
Kalahari Desert | Madrid | Russia

This item is included in the following series/curriculum: The World is Yours  

  • Grade Level: Upper Elementary (4-6)-Junior High (7-9)
  • Subjects: Multiculturalism, Geography, Global
  • Produced By: Sabbatical Entertainment
  • Year: 2017
  • Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • Running Time: 22m
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Our trip will start on a safari through the Kalahari Desert. We will cross to Botswana to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Africa.

Then we will escape to one of the most culturally vibrant cities on the planet: Madrid in Spain. We will visit the most interesting places in the city and taste the most representative dishes of the Spanish heritage to immerse ourselves in the most powerful historical and creative movements that have inspired this country.

Finally, we will go to the Russian "Motherland" and, at this part of the journey, we will have a lot of ground to cover, because Russia covers two continents. We will visit the Chocolate Factory Krasny Oktyabr, which actually works as a museum, and we will take a ride on the Trans-Siberian train that will take us to see The Red Square in Moscow. We will go to the Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula, one of the largest geyser fields in the world, and the only one found in Eurasia.

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