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This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Kids' Planet
- Grade Level: Preschool-Upper Elementary (4-6)
- Subjects: Social Studies, Guidance, Communities and Families
- Produced By: Sabbatical Entertainment
- Year: 2017
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Running Time: 25m
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- What is consciousness? / History / What it takes to have consciousness
- How to discover our tastes and preferences / Conflict resolution
- Other consciousness / Empathy / Flexibility / Relationships / Inner voice.
Continuing with the inside trips, in this opportunity the destination will be to our consciousness, word that resumes who we are , from Ancient Greece. But to know it, we will see through our Planet List all what is needed to know ourselves.
Once known the necessary for self-knowledge, we will continue with examples of how we could behave to be the person we want to be. Moreover, we will know the way to discover all that we could like or dislike. Also we will learn how to understand others feeling through empathy, if they differ on our tastes and preferences or vice versa.
Finally we will talk about consciousness as that little inner voice that says to us what is right and what is wrong. This comes from our formation, knowledge and learning, our values and customs within our culture, that can be different from other people's, and there is where communication appears like a bridge to stay in harmony with others.
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