Airbus A380
This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Mighty Planes
- Grade Level: Junior High (7-9)-Adult
- Subjects: Design, Technology, Design and Technology
- Produced By: Exploration Production Inc.
- Year: 2012
- Country: Canada
- Language: English
- Running Time: 60m
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On October 25, 2007 the Airbus A380 officially surpassed the legendary Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet as the world's largest passenger airliner. At two hundred and thirty-nine feet long, the A380 has a tail as high as an eight story building and a wingspan that stretches nearly the length of a football field. It's also the world's first full double-deck passenger aircraft, making it a groundbreaking design in aviation history. Mighty Planes goes behind the scenes to look the A380 in a way that has never been seen before. Documenting the construction and delivery of a new aircraft leading up to the day when Lufthansa ultimately takes ownership. Experts examine every inch of the aircraft conduct an acceptance flight and check all the technical systems. Meanwhile teams at CAE in Montreal design and test the A380 simulator systems and Goodrich teams in Oakville, Ontario and Phoenix, Arizona manufacture and test the A380 landing gear and evacuation slides to ensure that every element of the new plane is ready to go.