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60-Second Histories
This series consists of the 290 products
- Grade Level: Primary (1-3)-Junior High (7-9)
- Subjects: History
- Produced By: Squaducation
- Year: 2019
- Country: United Kingdom
- Language: English
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This series consists of the following products
What is a Timeline?
By Squaducation - 2015
A brief overview of a timeline, it's uses and how to make one.
What are BC and AD?
By Squaducation - 2015
An explanation of BC and AD as well as BCE and CE and the reasons they are used.
The 1001 Inventions Museum
By Squaducation - 2015
A time-travelling student tells the audience about the Golden Age and some of the amazing inventions created by Muslim people. This video was…
Who Were the Ancient Egyptians?
By Squaducation - 2015
A Victorian Egyptologist explains who the Egyptians were, when the era began and key points about this amazing civilization.
Egyptian Hieroglyphics
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian priest explains what hieroglyphics are, who reads and writes and how the pictures were carved into stone as well as written on papyrus.
The Rosetta Stone
By Squaducation - 2015
This short history video explains what the Rosetta Stone is; its discovery and why it was important in helping scholars discover the meaning of the…
Egyptian Gods - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian priestess describes some of the Egyptian gods and what they represented; covering Ra, Geb, Nut and Shu
Egyptian Gods - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian priestess continues the story of the Egyptian gods, referring to Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys
Egyptian Gods - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian priestess describes some of the more unusual animal gods the Egyptians prayed to like Bast, the cat goddess and Sobek who has the head of…
Mummification - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian high priest talks about life after death and what happens when a pharaoh dies, he explains the grisly process of mummification to…
Mummification - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian high priest continues to talk about mummification and explains the symbolism of the amulets and magic charms they used to send the…
Canopic Jars
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian high priest describes the organs that are retained from the body during the mummification process, and explains how they are stored in…
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian priest explains what a pyramid is, it's purpose and their various shapes and designs.
Pyramids of Giza
By Squaducation - 2015
This short history video looks at the location of Giza and the Great Pyramid itself, built for King Khufu. It also explains why pyramids were built…
Planning an Egyptian Pyramid
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video is a fascinating look at how the Egyptians designed their pyramids without the aid of modern technology.
Building an Egyptian Pyramid - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
This short history video gives an insight into how the Egyptian pyramids were built and the people who built them.
Building an Egyptian Pyramid - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A pyramid worker explains how the Egyptians moved the immense stone blocks.
Building an Egyptian Pyramid - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
What happened as the pyramid grew higher? A pyramid worker explains how materials were delivered to site and how scaffolding was used, much like…
Pyramid Workers
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian pyramid worker describes where the workers came from, where they lived and also explains how they worked in crews under a foreman.
Pyramid Town
By Squaducation - 2015
An Egyptian worker describes the town that grew up beside the Pyramids of Giza. He explains where the workers and their families lived and also…
Who Were the Ancient Greeks?
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explains where Ancient Greek civilization began and discusses the Minoans and Mycenaeans.
Democracy in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
A Greek philosopher explains how democracy began in Ancient Greece including the oligarchy system of rule
Family Life for Women in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video gives a middle-class woman's view of life in Ancient Greece
Family Life for Men in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video gives a man's view of life in Ancient Greece, his position as head of the household and his values
Religion in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
A priestess talks through some of the Greek gods and how they were worshipped, in particular Athena and the Parthenon
Ancient Greek Gods
By Squaducation - 2015
A priestess describes the Olympians; the Ancient Greek gods like Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and Poseidon.
Farming in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes what life is like on a farm in Ancient Greece, the terraces they farm on and food they grow and eat
An Ancient Greek Marketplace
By Squaducation - 2015
An Ancient Greek farmer explains all the things to see and do on a busy trip to market.
Trade in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
A merchant explains how the Ancient Greeks traded with the rest of their world.
Trade & Money in Ancient Greece
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes what bartering is and looks at the emergence of money and coinage due to trade.
Olympic Games: How They Started
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explores how and when the Olympic games started and discusses the other games that were also held at the time
Olympic Games: The Athletes
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video looks at who competed in the Olympics, how they trained and competed and the prize they could expect as a champion
Olympic Games: The Events
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes the different types of sporting events held at the Olympics in Ancient Greece
Women in the Olympic Games
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explains the role of Women in the Olympic Games and mentions their own Heraia games.
Galen the Physician
By Squaducation - 2015
The Ancient Greek physician Galen talks about his travels as a young man and the importance of Alexandria, Egypt.
Galen and the Four Humors
By Squaducation - 2015
Galen explains what the four humours are and how they could be balanced to make people better.
Galen and Hippocrates
By Squaducation - 2015
In this short video, Galen talks about Hippocrates and his theories
Herophilus and Erasistratus
By Squaducation - 2015
In this short video, Galen talks about the discoveries of Herophilus and Erasistratus
Who Were the Ancient Maya?
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video gives an overview of the Maya people: where they originated and where they lived.
Maya Cities
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya warrior describes the city of Chichen Itza and some of its buildings.
Maya Building Techniques
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explains some of the building techniques and the tools the Ancient Maya used
Maya Hieroglyphs
By Squaducation - 2015
An explorer looks at the Ancient Maya form of writing, the hieroglyphs and a mention of the Dresden Codex
Ancient Maya food
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya woman describes the crops they grow and the food they eat.
Farming Techniques of the Maya
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explains some of the challenges faced by Maya farmers and how they overcame them with raised terraces, aqueducts and irrigation.
Maya Mathematics
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video takes a brief look at the Ancient Maya numbering system which was based on 20 rather than 10 like ours is now.
Maya Calendar
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explores the two calendars; the Tzolk'in and the Haab and how important they were to the Maya people.
Maya Medicine
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya woman talks about medicine, doctors, midwives and healers; also a look at the illnesses and treatments they used.
Maya Sport: the Ball Court
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya warrior describes the game of ulama, the Ancient Maya sport played in a ball court.
Maya Family Life - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya woman gives an overview of life for an ordinary Maya family; work, school, child punishments!
Maya Family Life - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A Maya woman describes a typical Ancient Maya home and the things they used
Maya Religion: Gods
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explores some of the gods the Ancient Maya worshop and their practice of human sacrifice
Maya Religion: Sacrifice
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video looks at why the Ancient Maya believed in sacrifice and how they carried it out - not too gruesome but not for the feint-hearted…
What Happened to the Ancient Maya?
By Squaducation - 2015
An explorer discusses some of the reasons why the Maya civilization may have disappeared
Introduction to the Roman Empire
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes the Roman Empire and the countries it spanned such as Germany or Germania, France or Gallia and Britain which used to be…
Romulus & Remus
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the story written by Titus Livius about the origins of Rome; the story tells of twin boys and how they grew up they fell out which…
Builders and Engineers in the Roman Empire
By Squaducation - 2015
A Roman legionary describes the amazing construction projects undertaken by Roman builders such as the Coliseum and the Cloaca Maxima and includes…
Living in a Roman Town
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explores what the streets of Rome looked like, what kind of buildings there were such as the forum and basilica and why there were…
Roman Food
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes the food eaten in Rome, much of it similar to our own food like eggs, cheese, cold meat and bread but a few surprises like…
Roman Baths
By Squaducation - 2015
A Roman legionary describes a Roman bathhouse and the various rooms and facilities available such as the palaestra or gym and the caldarium and…
Roman Priestess
By Squaducation - 2015
A Roman priestess describes her life, serving in the temple of Vestal. She explains how long she has served there and the duties she is expected to…
Which Roman Gods are Which?
By Squaducation - 2015
This brief video explores some of the gods worshiped by the Romans, like Jupiter, king of the gods and Mars the god of war and explains that people…
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes the different types of gladiator such as the retiarius and the murmillo together with the different weapons and helmets…
A Roman Slave Woman
By Squaducation - 2015
This video shows what life can be like for a slave woman, it shows a Celt who had been captured in England and taken to Rome to serve as a slave
A Roman Legionary's Equipment
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes the personal belongings, equipment, food and water the legionaries had to carry when they conquered new lands
A Roman Legionary's Clothing
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explores the basic clothing worn by a legionary using latin names such as bracae for the trousers and caligae for the sandals
A Roman Legionary's Helmet
By Squaducation - 2015
A legionary describes a galea, an Imperial Gallic helmet, showing where its strength lies and how it protected the Roman soldiers.
Roman Weapons: the Shield
By Squaducation - 2015
A legionary explains what a scutum is, and explains how it was made of wood, reinforced for strength and decorated with the emblem of their legion.
Roman Weapons: the Gladius
By Squaducation - 2015
A legionary describes the gladius; one of the most famous swords from history, at over 50cm long Roman legionaries were well trained in using them.
Roman Weapons: the Pilum
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video describes a legionary's spear and how it was used and recycled
A Roman Centurion
By Squaducation - 2015
This brief video describes a centurion, the Roman officer in charge of eighty legionaries. It covers his clothing, armour and equipment all with…
Roman Armour: Lorica Segmentata
By Squaducation - 2015
A legionary describes the armour called lorica segmentata or 'segmented' armour which is heavier and more uncomfortable but offers better protection…
Roman Armour: Lorica Hamata
By Squaducation - 2015
A legionary describes the armour called lorica hamata, also known as chainmail, explaining how it was lightweight and gave the legionaries protection…
Who Were the Vikings?
By Squaducation - 2015
A brief explanation of who the Vikings were and where they came from; it explains the meaning of the word Viking and shows how they were great…
Vikings: Masters of the Sea
By Squaducation - 2015
A viking raider explains why Norsemen were considered to be the finest sailors in the world; using their navigation skills both day and night on…
Viking Exploration
By Squaducation - 2015
A viking raider describes the many lands the Vikings sailed to; where they raided, traded and explored with a focus on Iceland and the founding of…
Viking Shipbuilding - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A Viking shipbuilder describes a Viking ship: what it's made from and the various parts of the ship such as the keel, the prow, the stern, strakes…
Viking Shipbuilding - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A viking shipbuilder explains how they built their ships; how they made them water tight, what they used to steer the ship and who made the sails.
Viking Shipbuilding - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video a Viking shipbuilder describes the finished ship; he explains how the crew fix their shields to the side of the ship and sit on…
Stamford Bridge: Saxon View
By Squaducation - 2015
A Saxon warrior describes what he saw at the battle of Stamford Bridge, and how it began with a conversation between Harold Godwinson and his brother…
Why did the Vikings Raid?
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video explains why the Vikings left their own country in search of adventure, new lands to farm and valuables to steel. It also shows…
Stamford Bridge: Viking View
By Squaducation - 2015
A Viking warrior describes his experience of the battle of Stamford Bridge; the fierce battle and fighting retreat they had to make when the Saxons…
Lindisfarne: a Monk's View - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
This short video is part one of an eye-witness account, by a monk, of the savage attack on St Cuthbert's church on the Holy Island, Lindisfarne in…
Lindisfarne: a Monk's View - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
This video is part two of the eye witness account of the raid on the Lindisfarne monastery; thankfully the Vikings never destroyed the Lindisfarne…
Lindisfarne: a Viking's View - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A Viking gives his own account of the raid on Lindisfarne monastery, explaining how they had watched and planned their raid. (Part 1)
Lindisfarne: a Viking's View - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part two of a Viking warrior's account of the raid on Lindisfarne monastery. He describes how violent the Vikings were towards the monks and…
Norse Women
By Squaducation - 2015
A Norse woman explains what every-day life was like for them and describes the many chores they had to carry out; some were lucky enough to have a…
Norse Farming and Food
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes a Norse farmhouse, showing the animals they kept and the food they grew and ate including the ever-important ale.
Norse Gods
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explores the most important gods that were worshipped by the Vikings and Norse people, including Odin, Frey and Thor as well as Freyja…
How the Saxons Arrived in England
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes how the Anglo Saxons originated from Germania and travelled to England with the Roman legions and stayed even after the Romans…
Anglo Saxon - Christianity
By Squaducation - 2015
A Saxon woman explains how the Saxons changed from worshipping pagan gods to becoming Christian after Pope Gregory sent a monk called Augustine to…
Anglo Saxon Gods
By Squaducation - 2015
This video covers some of the Anglo Saxon gods that were worshipped before Christianity arrived and the way their names are still used today.
Saxon Law, Crime & Punishment
By Squaducation - 2015
A Saxon thegn describes a gemot, witan, the dooms and a Hundred Court together with some of the punishments handed out to those found guilty.
Saxon Farming - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Part one of the farming series describes a thegn and explains his position within the Saxon community. He explains how ceorls and slaves help farm…
Saxon Farming - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part two of the farming series looks at low ranking ceorls who are not only farmers but tradesmen too and how they use the three-field system of crop…
Saxon Village Life - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A Saxon woman explains what the chieftain's house was like and the compound and buildings around it. She also describes a poorer house and explains…
Saxon Village Life - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A Saxon woman describes a typical village house and explores what people drank, ate and how they cooked. It also includes where they went to the…
Anglo Saxon Place Names
By Squaducation - 2015
This video looks at place names and their Saxon origins, like the word 'bury' meaning fortified place which lends its name to Banbury, Shaftsbury…
Anglo Saxon Armour & Weapons
By Squaducation - 2015
A thegn warrior, serving King Athestan, describes the armour he wears and his weapons, such as the kite shield and battle axe.
Who Were the Normans?
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explains the origins of the Normans and explains their ancestry and how they came to settle in Normandy, i.e. from Norsemen or Vikings
Why Did the Normans Invade England?
By Squaducation - 2015
This video covers the cause of the Norman invasion in 1066. Despite King Edward making, William Duke of Normandy heir to the English throne, Harold…
The Norman Invasion & Preparation
By Squaducation - 2015
A Norman sailor describes the lead up to the invasion from the Norman perspective; the ships, the supplies and the crossing to England
Motte & Bailey Castle
By Squaducation - 2015
This video covers the early Norman castles, how the motte and bailey was constructed and mentions some of the first stone castles like Chepstow and…
Battle of Hastings: Norman View - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
In part one, a Norman soldier describes the start of the battle of Hastings including a description of Taillefer, the juggler who entertained the…
Battle of Hastings: Norman View - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part two describes how, during the battle, William Duke of Normandy had fallen and the effect it had on morale.
Battle of Hastings: Norman View - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
Part three describes the final part of the Battle of Hastings including the arrow storm that rained down on the Saxons and the fall of King Harold
The Bayeux Tapestry
By Squaducation - 2015
A Norman soldier describes the Bayeux Tapestry; nearly 70 metres long and having been made in England it depicts the events that led up to the Norman…
Norman Cathedrals & Monasteries
By Squaducation - 2015
Discover how the Normans settled the land by building churches and monasteries and explains how the locals paid rent to the church which in turn paid…
The Magna Carta - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Part one of the Magna Carta explains how William Marshal, first Earl of Pembroke, rode to Runnymede in 1215 to witness King John sign the Magna Carta…
The Magna Carta - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part two of the Magna Carta describes the basic principles of the Magna Carta, the clauses within it and how it forms the basis of our laws today.
The Magna Carta - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
Part three of the Magna Carta explains how King John tried to renege on the terms which eventually led to the First Barons War
People in a Medieval Castle: the Constable
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explores the many people that live and work in a medieval castle, like the marshal, the estate steward, blacksmith farrier and carter.
People in a Medieval Castle: the Constable's Wife
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes some of the staff who work within the castle such as the house steward and the chamberlain and the duties they carry out
The Medieval Banquet
By Squaducation - 2015
This video gives a vivid description of a medieval banquet including the etiquette and food such as stuffed peacock
The Gong Farmer
By Squaducation - 2015
A gong farmer explains how they collect poo from the garderobes in the castle and what they do with it all
Medieval Longbowman
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval archer describes the clothes he wears and weapons he uses such as the longbow, archers pick and falchion
Medieval Arrowheads
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval archers explains the many types of arrowheads and their uses such as the broadhead with its barbs and the incendiary or fire arrow
Lightweight Crossbow
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval bowman describes his lightweight crossbow, an accurate weapon that could shoot over three hundred metres and be carried into battle, and…
Heavyweight Crossbow
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval bowman describes the more powerful heavyweight crossbow which uses a complex windlass mechanism to load it.
Death of Richard III - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval soldier describes the death of Richard III which led to the beginning of the Tudor dynasty.
Death of Richard III - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A medieval soldier describes how bravely King Richard fought and died, how he was killed by traitors and was finally laid to rest in a pauper's grave…
The Beginning of the Reign of Henry VII
By Squaducation - 2015
A Tudor lady talks about the early Tudor years with the continuation of the Wars of the Roses and the Irish/Yorkist army crossing the Pennines to put…
Henry VII: What Did He Look Like?
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explores Henry Tudor and his coronation in 1485. It also covers his marriage to Elizabeth of York uniting the house of Lancaster with…
Henry VII's Children
By Squaducation - 2015
A Tudor lady talks about the seven children born to Henry VII and Elizabeth, including their first born Arthur and Henry who went on to become King…
The Alliance: Prince Arthur & Catherine of Aragon
By Squaducation - 2015
King Henry VII wanted to strengthen his position further by uniting England with Spain and so a marriage was proposed between the young Prince Arthur…
Catherine of Aragon
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of Catherine of Aragon, by her lady in waiting, who explains how her father, the King of Spain, ensured she would only marry a man who…
Henry VII - The King is Dead
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes the funeral of King Henry VII, and his successor King Henry VIII's, promise to marry Catherine of Aragon and keep the alliance…
Henry VIII - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 1 of Henry VIII looks at what Henry VIII was like as a person and how he liked to spend his time
Henry VIII - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 2 of Henry VIII describes the fabulous outfits King Henry wore; the different types of fabric such as buckram, taffeta and velvet used as well…
Henry VIII Wants a Divorce
By Squaducation - 2015
Henry VIII gives his own account of his divorce and breaking with Rome - part one
Henry VIII: the Pope Says 'No'
By Squaducation - 2015
Henry VIII gives his own account of his divorce and breaking with Rome - part two
Henry VIII Breaks with Rome
By Squaducation - 2015
Henry VIII explains how he failed to secure his divorce and so separated from the Pope
Henry VIII, Supreme Head of the Church of England
By Squaducation - 2015
Henry VIII describes his split with Rome and his view on the Reformation
Catherine of Aragon: the King Wants a Divorce
By Squaducation - 2015
Catherine of Aragon gives her point of view with regard to Henry VIII and divorce
Catherine of Aragon Stands Her Ground
By Squaducation - 2015
Catherine of Aragon tells of her reaction to being questioned with regard to her marriage to King Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon Banished from Court
By Squaducation - 2015
This video covers what happened to Catherine of Aragon
Thomas More: the Oath of Supremacy
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas More explains the Oath of Supremacy
Thomas More's Execution
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas More talks about his impending execution together with that of John Fisher.
Dissolution of the Monasteries - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas Cromwell describes the beginning of the dissolution of the monasteries
Dissolution of the Monasteries - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas Cromwell talks about the beginning of the closure of the smaller monasteries and convents
Destruction of the Monasteries
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas Cromwell explains what happened to the churches and religious houses after the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Pilgrimage of Grace - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas Cromwell describes the spark that led to the Pilgrimage of Grace
Pilgrimage of Grace - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Thomas Cromwell gives a brief description of the riots in the north and retribution
Samuel Pepys: Great Fire of London - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Samuel Pepys gives his personal experience of the initial outbreak of the fire
Samuel Pepys: Great Fire of London - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Samuel Peyps reports where and how the great fire started.
Samuel Pepys: Great Fire of London - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
Samuel Pepys explains how high winds drive the fire into the city
Samuel Pepys: Great Fire of London - part 4
By Squaducation - 2015
Samuel Pepys explains how the fire got out of control and the failed attempts at fighting it
Samuel Pepys: Great Fire of London - part 5
By Squaducation - 2015
How the fire spread and what it looked like at its height
Introduction to the English Civil War
By Squaducation - 2015
An overview of the English Civil War, when it started, how long it lasted together with the cause and the devastating effect on the country.
English Civil War: A Royalist Soldier
By Squaducation - 2015
A Royalist soldier gives his point of view and explains why he follows the King
English Civil War: A Parliamentarian
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the causes of the Civil War from a Parliamentarian's point of view, including the ship taxes and the King's expensive lifestyle.
English Civil War: A Pikeman
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the armour worn by pikemen during the English Civil War, it also shows his main weapon, the long pike and explains how it was used.
English Civil War: A Cavalry Trooper
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of a New Model Army cavalry trooper, one of Cromwell's ironsides which includes the clothing they wore and the weapons used.
English Civil War: An Artillery Master
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of how important science and mathematics were to the artillery in calculating distance and trajectory of a shot together with how much…
English Civil War: A Musketeer
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of a musketeer, a roundhead in Cromwell's army; his clothing, equipment and the workings of a matchlock musket
Oliver Cromwell
By Squaducation - 2015
A Parliamentarian soldier describes Oliver Cromwell, his character and his achievement in developing the New Model Army
King Charles I
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of King Charles I. How he became King, what he was like as a man and his marriage to Henrietta Maria.
King Charles I: the Execution
By Squaducation - 2015
An eyewitness account of the excecution of King Charles I outside the Banqueting House in London on 30th January 1649
Queen Henrietta Maria
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of King Charles I. It covers her upbringing and how she, a French catholic princess came to marry the…
Prince Rupert
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the flamboyant cavalier Prince Rupert who was not only commander of the King's cavalry but also his nephew
Battle of Edge Hill
By Squaducation - 2015
A soldier describes the Battle of Edge Hill and how Prince Rupert's cavalry charged into the Parliamentarians.
Siege of Lichfield
By Squaducation - 2015
A brief account of the sieges of Lichfield during the English Civil War
The Beginning of the British Empire
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the start of the British Empire with the early explorers, dating back to Tudor times.
British Empire: Trading Companies
By Squaducation - 2015
A look at the various trading companies that grew up including the East India Company, the Virginia Company and the Venetian company amongst others
British Empire: The Jewel in the Crown
By Squaducation - 2015
A look at how India became fully integrated into the British Empire.
The East India Company
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the founding of the East India Company, how and what it trades with India and the creation of it's own army.
Was the British Empire a Good or Bad Thing? part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 1 of this short series looks at the pros and cons of the British Empire; it covers the positive changes the Empire brought to other countries…
Was the British Empire a Good or Bad Thing? part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 2 of this short series explores the raw materials from around the Empire helped fire the Industrial Revolution, this video takes a look at what…
Was the British Empire a Good or Bad Thing? part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 3 of this short series gives a brief summary of the Empire debate; it recaps on some of the positive and negative impacts and leaves the…
What Is a Slave?
By Squaducation - 2015
A brief explanation of the term 'slave' being the legal property of another
Why Were the British Involved in the Slave Trade?
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explores some of the reasons the British were involved in the slave trade and a quote from William Wilberforce's parlimentary speech about…
The Slave Triangle
By Squaducation - 2015
William Wilberforce explains how the slave triangle worked.
Slave Capture
By Squaducation - 2015
An African slave describes slaves in Africa were captured and by whom
Slave Journey to the Coast
By Squaducation - 2015
An African slave recounts how he was shackled and had to walk for two weeks till they reached a stone fort on the coast
Slave Market
By Squaducation - 2015
An African slave describes the slave market in the Americas and how slaves were prepared for sale to make them look healthier and more attractive to…
The Middle Passage - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A slave recounts his first encounter with a slave ship; the stench from the hold almost makes him vomit. Part 1 of 2
The Middle Passage - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A slave describes his journey from Africa across the Atlantic and the apalling conditions suffered by the slaves onboard ship. Part 2 of 2
The Zulu Wars - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
This video gives an introduction to Zululand in Africa and its people.
The Zulu Wars - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
This video gives an introduction to the invasion of Zululand by the British and the terrible massacre at the battle of Isandlwana
Captain Cook - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A veteran sailor recounts Captain Cook's first voyage on the Endeavour.
Captain Cook - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A veteran sailor recounts Captain Cook's final voyage aboard HMS Resolution.
The Death of Captain Cook
By Squaducation - 2015
A sailor recounts Captain Cook's last visit to Hawaii
The Indian Mutiny of 1857 - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
This video takes a look at one of the main causes of the mutiny being the bullet cartridges issued by the British to the Indian troops being greased…
The Indian Mutiny of 1857 - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes the death of Mangal Pandey, the start of the mutiny in Meerut and the massacre at Cawnpore
Victorian Music Hall
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the entertainment available during Victorian times including a visit to a music hall and the different acts you can expect to see
Victorian Sport: Football
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the many sports available to the Victorians, in particular, football and the formation of the Football Association.
A Victorian Day at the Seaside
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of a middle-class family holiday at the seaside booked through Cooks Travel Excursionist.
Victorian Workhouse - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
An introduction to the new poor laws introduced in 1834 together with an overview of the conditions in a workhouse.
Victorian Workhouse - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
This short clip explores a terrible scandal where inmates were forced to pick meat off bones meant for fertiliser because they were so hungry.
Victorian Workhouse - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
An account of how whole families often had to go into the workhouse and once there, they were separated and made to work for no pay
Crime & Punishment in Victorian Times
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of crime and punishment during Queen Victoria's reign when there was once around two hundred crimes that carried the death penalty and…
Crime & Punishment - Metropolitan Police Force
By Squaducation - 2015
A Victorian police detective describes Sir Robert Peel's Metropolitan Police Force. The video covers what it took to be a police officer and how…
The Great Stink of 1858
By Squaducation - 2015
A Victorian gentleman describes the stench that came from the River Thames which became known as the Great Stink and almost caused Parliament to close
Disease and Epidemic
By Squaducation - 2015
A Victorian woman describes the way Dr John Snow removed the handle from the water pump to prove cholera was spread by contaminated water
Joseph Bazalgette: the Early Years
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 1 of the Bazalgette series. An introduction to Joseph William Bazalgette and the time in which he grew up.
Joseph Bazalgette: Early Career
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 2 of the Bazalgette series. This video looks at Bazalgette's life before beginning work on the London sewers.
Metropolitan Commission of Sewers
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 3 of the Bazalgette series gives an overview of Bazalgette's appointment as Chief Engineer with the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers and the…
Metropolitan Board of Works
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 4 of the Bazalgette series takes a look at the opposition Bazalgette faced in getting started with the project and the great stink.
Joseph Bazalgette: Construction of the Sewers
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 5 of the Bazalgette series. Bazalgette talks about the work on the sewers, one of the biggest civil engineering projects ever undertaken at the…
Joseph Bazalgette: the Legacy
By Squaducation - 2015
This is the final part of Bazalgette's story and his contribution to revolutionise public health in Victorian Britain.
Florence Nightingale: the Early Years
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 1 of a series on Florence Nightingale where she describes her early life, and what she felt it was like to be born in an age dominated by men.
Florence Nightingale: Training
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 2 of this series, Florence explains what training she undertook to become a nurse and the first hospital she worked in.
Florence Nightingale: the Crimea
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 3 of this series, Florence explains why she recruited a team of nurses and travelling out to the Crimea.
Florence Nightingale: Scutari Hospital - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 4 of this series, Florence talks about her arrival at Scutari Hospital and her dismay at the sanitary conditions there..
Florence Nightingale: Scutari Hospital - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 5 of this series, Florence describes the time she spent at Scutari hospital and the practices she introduced there.
Florence Nightingale: After the Crimea
By Squaducation - 2015
In the final clip of this series, Florence describes her life after the Crimea War, the report she published on her experiences there and the…
Mary Seacole: Introduction
By Squaducation - 2015
In the first of this series Mary Seacole introduces herself and talks about her family and early years.
Mary Seacole Successfully Treats Cholera
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 2 of this series, Mary describes her first experience of treating cholera victims in Panama.
Mary Seacole: Her Travels
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 3 of this series sees Mary explaining her decision to volunteer as a nurse in the Crimea.
Mary Seacole Travels to Crimea
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 4 of this series Mary describes her travel to and arrival in the Crimea.
Mary Seacole: the British Hotel
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 5 of this series, Mary explains how she built the British Hotel at Kadikoi in the Crimea to tend to the needs of sick and convalescing…
Mary Seacole: Life in the Crimea
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 6 of this series is an overview of Mary Seacole's life and work in the Crimea.
Mary Seacole: the End of the War
By Squaducation - 2015
In the final clip of this series Mary describes what happened to her when the Crimea War ended in 1856 and she returned to London.
Dr. John Snow: Introduction
By Squaducation - 2015
In the first of this series Dr John Snow introduces himself and discusses his thoughts on cholera.
Dr. John Snow: Proving a Theory
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 2 of this series, John Snow talks about proving his theory on how cholera is spread.
Dr. John Snow: Gathering Evidence
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 3 of this series sees John Snow explaining how he proved his theory about the spread of Cholera.
Dr. John Snow: the Investigation Continues
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 4 of this series John Snow describes how he investigated the cause of the outbreak of cholera.
Dr. John Snow: Unravelling a Mystery
By Squaducation - 2015
Part 5 of this series sees John Snow's continuing investigation into the cause of Cholera.
Dr. John Snow: Removing the Pump Handle
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 6 of this series, John Snow describes how he presented his findings to authorities and persuaded them to remove the handle from the water…
Dr. John Snow & Rev. Henry Whitehead
By Squaducation - 2015
In part 7 of this series John Snow talks about his collaboration with the Reverend Henry Whitehead.
Mode of Communication of Cholera - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
John Snow recites an extract of his essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera 1854
Mode of Communication of Cholera - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
John Snow continues with a further extract of his essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera 1854.
Great Plague 1665 - Samuel Pepys's Account
By Squaducation - 2015
Samuel Pepys gives an eye witness account of the Great Plague in London in 1665.
The Black Death: an Eyewitness Account
By Squaducation - 2015
An eye witness account of the Black Death which broke out in 1348, told by a medieval monk
What Was the Black Death?
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the Black Death and the difference between the bubonic and pneumonic plague.
The Black Death: Public Reaction
By Squaducation - 2015
A look at people's reaction to the plague and how they dealt with it.
The Black Death: Mass Burials
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explores how the dead were disposed of during the Black Death
The Black Death: Causes and Treatments
By Squaducation - 2015
A look at some of the medieval beliefs and ideas that were thought to have caused the plague.
William Harvey: Circulation
By Squaducation - 2015
William Harvey introduces himself and talks about his early years and his discoveries.
William Harvey's Discovery
By Squaducation - 2015
William Harvey explains how he discovered circulation; how blood flowed around the body.
Louis Pasteur: the Germ Theory
By Squaducation - 2015
Louis Pasteur explains how he discovered pasteurisation and worked on his germ theory
Louis Pasteur: Proving His Germ Theory
By Squaducation - 2015
Louis Pasteur explains how he proved his germ theory.
Ambrose Pare: an Introduction
By Squaducation - 2015
An introduction to Ambroise Pare, his early career and his experience of treating wounds with boiling oil.
Ambroise Pare: an Alternative to Boiling Oil
By Squaducation - 2015
Ambroise Pare explains how he found an alternative way to treat wounds.
Andreas Vesalius Steals a Body
By Squaducation - 2015
How when first exploring medicine, Andreas Vesalius stole the body of a hanged criminal so that he could study anatomy.
Andreas Vesalius Dares to Say Galen Was Wrong
By Squaducation - 2015
Vesalius explains why he questioned Galen's accuracy and what he discovered when he was dissecting a human jaw.
Andreas Vesalius and the Fabric of the Human Body
By Squaducation - 2015
Vesalius describes how he came to publish the Fabric of the Human Body
Edward Jenner: Smallpox
By Squaducation - 2015
Edward Jenner explains what smallpox is, why people feared it so much and how inoculations were sometimes used to protect people.
Edward Jenner's Vaccination
By Squaducation - 2015
Edward Jenner describes the experiment he carried out to develop his vaccination against smallpox
Emmeline Pankhurst: Becoming a Suffragist
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst introduces herself, her early life and some of the events that led her to be come a suffragette.
Mrs. Pankhurst: Marriage
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline discusses marriage and her early life in the suffragist movement
Women's Franchise League (WFL)
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline describes the inaugural meeting of the Women's Franchise League
Emmeline Pankhurst and Keir Hardie
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline talks about becoming friends with Keir Hardie and joining the Independent Labour Party
The Manchester Workhouse
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst describes a visit to the Manchester Workhouse and the effect it had upon her
Emmeline Pankhurst: Woman Registrar
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst talks about her time as a woman registrar
Women's Social and Political Union
By Squaducation - 2015
Part of a series on women's suffrage, this video covers the WSPU; the Women's Social and Political Union
Protest, Arrest, and Prison
By Squaducation - 2015
Part of a series on women's suffrage, this video covers the protest made by the WSPU after the suffrage bill was filibustered in 1905 and the arrest…
Emmeline Pankhurst in Prison
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst discusses the time she spent in prison and its effect upon her.
Emmeline Pankhurst and Winston Churchill
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst talks about the WSPU opposition to the Liberal party and the defeat of Winston Churchill
Protest, Action, and Hunger Strike
By Squaducation - 2015
Part of a series on women's suffrage, Emmeline Pankhurst describes the WSPU tactical intensification and hunger strike
Conciliation and violence
By Squaducation - 2015
Part of a series on women's suffrage, this video covers the organisation of a conciliation committee and the violence experienced by suffragettes.
Campaign of Arson 1912
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst describes the escalation in militant tactics and some of the acts of arson undertaken to further the cause.
Suffrage and WW1
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst discusses the outbreak of war and women over 30 getting the vote.
The Epsom Derby, 1913
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst talks about death of Emily Wilding Davison at the Epsom Derby in 1913
Emily Wilding Davison
By Squaducation - 2015
Emmeline Pankhurst explains who Emily Davison was, and what she did for the suffrage movement.
WW1 British Soldier's Uniform
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of a British infantryman's uniform and personal effects from 1914-15
British Soldier's Equipment: 1914-15
By Squaducation - 2015
A British WW1 soldier describes the equipment a he was expected to carry during 1914-15 which could all weigh up to thirty five kilos.
British Soldier's Equipment: 1916-18
By Squaducation - 2015
A British WW1 soldier describes the equipment during 1916-18 and explains how it adapted to suit the changing way the war was being fought
Life as a WW1 Nurse in France
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 nurse who describes her uniform and shows how she still likes to be fashionable even among the horrors of war.
WW1: Gangrene Dressing
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 nurse talks about her first experience of dressing a gangrene wound and the limited pain relief available
WW1: Trench foot
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 nurse gives a gruesome account of trench foot and frostbite together with the cause and treatment available to soldiers
Roses of No Man's Land
By Squaducation - 2015
A recital of a popular WW1 song which explains why nurses became known as the "Roses of No Man's Land"
WW1: Shell Shock
By Squaducation - 2015
This video takes a look at shell shock and the effect it has on soldiers. It also highlights the treatments for shell shock and the way in which…
WW1: No Man's Land
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 soldier explains what No Man's Land is and how it came by its name
WW1: Gas attack
By Squaducation - 2015
An overview of the different types of gas used during WW1 together with the developments of gas masks and hoods to protect soldiers.
WW1 Weapons: Hand Grenade
By Squaducation - 2015
A look at the development of hand grenades and the ingenuity of the soldiers who made their own.
WW1 Weapons: Rifle
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 soldier describes the Lee Enfield rifle, its workings and effectiveness; so rapid was the fire that the Germans actually thought it was a…
WW1 Weapons: Bayonet & Pistol
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of one of the oldest weapons still in use, the bayonet and how it was used in close quarter combat and also the Webley revolver
Christmas Truce 1914
By Squaducation - 2015
A WW1 soldier describes the Christmas Truce 1914, he explains it was more an opportunity for burying their dead than playing football.
Princess Mary's Christmas Gift
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the brass box given to every serving soldier; it explains why and what the different boxes contained.
Shot at Dawn
By Squaducation - 2015
A sad tale of a firing squad and a young seventeen year old who, although probably suffering from shell shock, was shot for desertion
Lewis Gunner - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the Lewis gunner, the first machine gunner who could pick up his gun and take it with him even though it weighed over twelve kilos.
Lewis Gunner - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A Lewis gunner explains how the Lewis gun was loaded and used in short bursts for the best effect and how it could even be taken into No Mans Land to…
Life in the Trenches - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the trenches that stretched from Belgium to Switzerland which were built after the war was bogged down in stalemate. Part 1 of a 7…
Life in the Trenches - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of a trench; the traversing, loop holes and the use of trench periscopes to view the enemy. Part 2 of a 7 part series
Life in the Trenches - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of the practicalities and problems the army faced in the trenches when it came to supplies and latrines. Part 3 of a 7 part series
Life in the Trenches - part 4
By Squaducation - 2015
This film talks about troop rotation and how it ensured soldiers weren't always on the frontline. Part 4 of a 7 part series
Life in the Trenches - part 5
By Squaducation - 2015
This video describes how injured soldiers were taken care of both on the battlefield and in the trenches by their comrades and the medical officer…
Life in the Trenches - part 6
By Squaducation - 2015
This video explains how soldiers made raids on enemy trenches. Part 6 of a 7 part series
Life in the Trenches - part 7
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of going 'over the top'; the noise of the explosions, the vibration, the fear..... The last in a 7 part series
WW1 Munitions Worker - part 1
By Squaducation - 2015
A munitionette describes how they worked, the explosives they came into contact with and the reason their skin turned yellow. Part 1 in a 4 part…
WW1 Munitions Worker - part 2
By Squaducation - 2015
A description of life in a munitions factory; the danger, the accidents, the camaraderie and of course, the gossip. Part 2 in a 4 part series
WW1 Munitions Worker - part 3
By Squaducation - 2015
A munitionette talks about the practicality of getting to the shops when, as a munitions worker, you work such long hours and of course there was…
WW1 Munitions Worker - part 4
By Squaducation - 2015
A munitionette recites a lighthearted poem of the time about rationing and the introduction of a ticket system to go to the loo. The last in a 4…
WW1: Bad news at home
By Squaducation - 2015
A war widow explains how women were given the news of their loved one's death and shows that some war pensions were only temporary
Rosa Parks: Segregation
By Squaducation - 2015
In the first of 3 clips, Rosa Parks explains what segregation was like for her.
Rosa Parks Refuses to Give up Her Seat on the Bus
By Squaducation - 2015
In the second of 3 clips, Rosa Parks tells the story of how she made a protest against the segregation laws by refusing to give up her seat on a bus.
Rosa Parks: Montgomery Bus Boycott
By Squaducation - 2015
In the last of 3 clips, Rosa Parks explains how her protest and arrest prompted the Montgomery bus boycott which lasted for 381 days.
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